Happy 7th Birthday!!~

Mar 10, 2009 04:43

AHH!~ So it's the GazettE's 7th anniversary right? And what is this I hear? They're releasing a new album? Holy freaking craps! I need to start saving up my money D ( Read more... )


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Comments 10

burn1ngcha0s March 11 2009, 00:40:15 UTC
Yes, new album in July ^^ I just hope my credit card's not gonna fail me...

As for the second part... It might be the selfish/very self-aware Aries in me talking, but... Pull back a little. Even if you like him, he's clearly unstable - shouting at people for no specific reason other than being afraid to get hurt? Darling, love hurts either way, so it's better for one's mental health to fix themselves before making a commitment to anyone. You can't make him happy if he's all emo like this, it's him that needs to fix his scars himself first and you can't help him in the process no matter how much you want it. Show him you're there for now, but unless he is ready to face and fight that "I'll get hurt!"-fear on his own, neither of you can be happy.
Emotions are tricky. Do you really want to be in a relationship with someone who hurts you like this, and uses force to push you like you're nothing? I'm confused...


smiley_brat March 11 2009, 01:34:09 UTC
I hope I can afford it as well D:

I don't know.. I'm so confused too...
One of his (very few) close friends told me how he seems "attached" to me.. I want to pull back but it feels like I can't. Sometimes I feel stuck in this mess. And when I'm with him, I feel so frustrated. He's not bothering to change because he sees no reason to change. He can't see what kind of life he's living. It's like he needs someone to push him forward but I don't think I'm strong enough to do it.
If I leave him alone, he probably won't change and yet if I try to help, It might only end up hurting me... Do I do nothing and give up on him? I don't think I can do that...
Any kind of advice is very much appreciated :D


burn1ngcha0s March 11 2009, 16:06:29 UTC
This "attached" will soon become "needy" and "obsessed". I've had exoerience with people like that, and if they fail to see the problem lies within them, it's impossible for you to get thru. As much as it may hurt him (and you), stop feeling and pitying for him. Don't become a rag to throw around. If he even remotely cares like his friends say, just say you've had enough, and you will break all contact unless he stops being a jerk and sees not everyone is out to get him. I know I sound like a cold-hearted bitch right now, but shouldn't your own happiness come into play at all? Why should you sacrifice yourself like a martyr for someone who can only drag you down? It's just my view on things, feel free to ignore it if it sounds offensive, but sweety - it's not worth the trouble...


smiley_brat March 11 2009, 22:13:03 UTC
No I think I understand. I know that you're saying this not because you're a "cold-hearted bitch" (which of course you aren't :D) but because you care about me. Thanks! I've been to nervouse to ask for anyone's advice, but what you say makes sense. I've thought that maybe it was selfish of me to want my own happiness but.. No, I think my happiness is also important as well. :D Thanks a lot~


xmirukiix March 11 2009, 17:45:07 UTC
Aww its great that you like someone, I hope he likes/will like you back! :D
Doesn't it make you happy to be with him?^^
Oh and I don't understand...is he punching you? The guy you like? O.O


smiley_brat March 11 2009, 22:09:37 UTC
Thanks! I hope so too.
It does make me happy, but then aferwards, I feel so.. depressed I guess...
No no! Of course not! If he hit me, I would have totally gone crazy on him... No, like when he loses his temper he acts out onto other people and sometimes I happen to be in the way.


xmirukiix March 12 2009, 12:55:21 UTC
oh, good : O I was like HE HITS YOU? how ....romantic. I hope he appologice when you're in the way x)
And good luck hehe^_^ ~


smiley_brat March 12 2009, 14:06:23 UTC
He does.. And when he does, he looks so guilty and sweet...
Thank you~


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