Bachelorhood (Sleep Madness Series)

May 07, 2007 17:14

Title: Bachelorhood (3/?)
Author: Your’s truly
Fandom: The Daily Show.
Pairing: Jon/Stephen (I suppose it's preslash?)
Rating: PG for being harmless
Warning: Depressing scenarios. And this is still either AU or... the future!
A/N: Hey guys… remember me? Uh, yeah. I’m alive! And, no, this isn’t Fast Times. This is my first fic that I kind of forgot ( Read more... )

bachelorhood, fic: the daily show, sleep madness, slash, pairing: jon/stephen, fandom: the daily show

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Comments 14

toperfection May 7 2007, 22:01:14 UTC
Soul it! Except for the zombies..why, oh why..sombies..I..argh..they make me..argh. (Yes that is a valid point shut up) Poor baby..Stephen. It totally sucks what he has to go trough..but he has get to the man love.
Know what other is a gay, gay, gay, gay movie? Grease..or maybe I was really into the sleep madness myself..but..come on! The boys totally love each other and the pink ladies..dikes. Anyway..that's neither here nor there and I love how you portrayed the desperation from the not sleeping and the not being able to help Stephen..Jonny Stew..beautiful man.
Now..bring on the Happy *claps hands*


nm_317 May 7 2007, 22:29:23 UTC
This was really good. As were the first two parts. I love them being sweet and friendly, just on the verge of something else. And just completely comfortable with their relationship, whatever it may be.

Also enjoyed your recap of seeing Jon. However, this needs more explanation: (he also went into detail about how he knows he's not gay because the heart and mind can be fickle but the dick is amazingly accurate)

Because that could go so many ways. Like, he tried and couldn't? (Because, maybe it wasn't the right guy. Hee). Or, just because while it's sometimes interested in women when Jon may not want it to, it's never done that because of a guy?


smilesawakeyou May 9 2007, 07:45:15 UTC
I love the freindshippy side of Stephen and Jon more than almost anything... I just love men who are cool with being affectionate with each other, even when it's not even remotely sexual. Not that this won't turn sexual, mind you...

Um, it was at about that moment that I wished there was a Q&A bit at the end so I could be like "OMG HOW DO YOU KNOW YOU'RE NOT GAY??? HAVE YOU TRIED?????? WITH WHOOOOOOOO??????" and so forth until my sister would have disowned me out of shame. And I would have gotten kicked out for being crazy. But still, soooo worth it.

He more was explaining how you can trick your heart and head but if you can't get it up, that's a sure sign. Something along those lines... dammit, it's all getting hazy now. I also know I left out other shit, but whatever. Stupid brain.


smilesawakeyou May 9 2007, 07:40:47 UTC
Dude, you gotta embrace the zombie love. It'll make you, uh... a better person? Maybe? Hah.

And I agree, Grease reeks of gayness. The hug between Kenickie and Danny? Gaaaay-o. For rizzle.

The happy will be brought, but I'm updating Fast Times first. Because the chapter is halfway written. Hooray!


xantippeee May 7 2007, 22:54:14 UTC
You write fabulous stories AND you've seen Jon irl??? I think I kind of hate you now... Nah just kidding not really

Anywho... really like this story. Jon reminds me of myself trying to sleep at 4 am. It's not funny. But this is (as per usual when it comes to your stories). And it really is a wonderful story you're writing, I can't wait to see more of it!

... There is more, right? I've anxiously been awaiting Fast Times but I hope you'll write some more only if you get the time. Hope your life isn't too crazy at the moment.

I think you can tell by the rambling that I need to go and try to get some sleep. Love the story. Cheers!


smilesawakeyou May 9 2007, 07:49:04 UTC
Hahah, yesssss, I am evil.

I have really badass insomnia, so I'm pretty much writing me when I can't sleep. And how I channel surf... except I'm more brutal in my assessment of what I'm watching.

Life has actually calmed down quite a bit, but the next Fast Times chapter is taking a while due to length and the fact that I'm trying in vain to keep all of the story lines straight. It's great fun but even I get confused. Also, this story will continue because I like writing it a lot. And I can't bear leaving it where it is at the moment. And I have cuteness planned for it. Wee!

Yeah, it's nearly 4 here and I've got a job search planned in the morning, hence me rambling as well. Thanks for reading!


guitargirl39 May 7 2007, 23:05:15 UTC
Ohhh, little Stephen. *hugs him* :( Poor little thing.

I'm in love with this. And I hadn't read the first two chapter, so I just did, and when I read the bit where Stephen said he'd always thought Jon was more gay for Anderson...I think the word for what I did was "cackling". Or maybe guffawing. Yeah, I think I guffawed. Thank God nobody else is home here.

Anyway, yeah, lurve the friendship, the way they're so comfortable with each other even though they're not even sleeping together yet. =]


smilesawakeyou May 9 2007, 07:52:35 UTC
Yeah, I'm horribly cruel to everyone in my stories. Even in my original fiction, horrible shit happens to my characters. Damn me and my sadistic streak...

Hah, who isn't gay for Anderson? It's just like you can't not be gay for Johnny Depp. It isn't physically possible. Like... your gayness levels rise when you see either of them

I have a really big soft spot for guys who are BFF and so totally cool in their masculinity that they can be openly affectionate with one another. It's such an "awwwwwww :-)" thing for me. Which just may be why I'm friends with so many borderline-gay men.


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smilesawakeyou May 9 2007, 07:55:05 UTC
I usually hate angst, which is funny since I write it all the time. I write it and then I'm like, "Okay... this looks pretty... OH DAMNIT. IT'S FUCKING ANGST. AGAIN."

That poem was so lame... I wrote it in about 5 seconds. At 6 in the AM after not sleeping. Me = laaaaame.

Wow, when he talked about his son and the little girl... my sister and I were just about crying with laughter and wanting to marry him.


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smilesawakeyou May 9 2007, 07:59:23 UTC
1. I get really icky whenever I read stories when the wives are still around... I have serious qualms with infidelity and those situations just make me too nervous because I know pretty soon they will go "KABOOM!" and then I can't enjoy the story.
2. Luckily, he just seemed amused by the people yelling things about either him being a Jew or the girl saying she was Jewish. I mean... being in the South... that's sort of a dangerous thing to point out. But still...
3. I am currently in the middle of the next chapter of NAMBLA. So far, it's a bit... crazy. I'm just trying to keep it all straight in my brain so it makes sense written out. Luckily, I think the game plan has been set, I just need to get it out.
4. Why, thank ya kindly :-)


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