Sleep Madness

Dec 19, 2006 03:15

Title: Sleep Madness
Author: Mwah.
Fandom: The Daily Show. Whoa for branching out...
Pairing: Jon/Stephen (I suppose it's preslash?)
Rating: PG for being harmless
Warning: Copious references to Kenny Loggins and bad music? Also it's either AU or... the future!
A/N: My first TDS RPS! Huzzah! I basically wrote this a couple of nights ago when I was ( Read more... )

fic: the daily show, jon/stephen, sleep madness, slash, pairing: jon/stephen, fandom: the daily show

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Comments 45

marteau_argente December 19 2006, 20:50:55 UTC
Ho my god. I absolutely loved this story. It made my day, it really did. I think you've got the kind of dialog Jon and Stephen would share down pat, and I love that Stephen called him back. This story is fantastic.

Quick Note: Dragostea dn tei (numa numa) is Romanian. :-D


smilesawakeyou December 20 2006, 06:03:31 UTC
Hahaha, as I said, the bare minimum of research went into this story. I basically assumed that Jon would have about the same amount of knowledge of O-Zone as I would... which would be that they say "Numa Numa" in the song and that it's in a different language. A language that sounds vaguely German-esque even though, apparently, I would be completely wrong in that assumption.

But that's how the cookie crumbles. Also, that title is waaaaaaay more complicated to type than Numa Numa. Yeah, I'm even too lazy to type it out now. That's how lazy I am. I could just copy and paste... but no. That would violate my ethic of laziness.

But thanks for the feedback! Yay.


(The comment has been removed)

smilesawakeyou December 20 2006, 06:05:09 UTC
That song makes me happier than anything should. Even though it also contributed to my really, REALLY bad insomnia during my finals week last semester.

Oh well. Vive la O-Zone!


envys_pet_neko2 December 19 2006, 22:06:20 UTC
XD oh god that was great! I absolutely LOVE the Numa Numa song X3 and that has happened to me before O_o where a song kept me awake >_> Josh Groban's 'Rememeber Me' frm Troy -.- i've learned never to listen to one song a billion (literally) times before bed X_x XD


smilesawakeyou December 20 2006, 06:06:44 UTC
Yeah, usually only bad things come of it. Except for me, I only ever get songs stuck in my head where I only know like... one verse to. And then that verse just goes on a loop in my head, super-fast, and psycho-like. It's crazy-tastic.

Thanks for the feedback!


blindswandive December 20 2006, 06:32:03 UTC
My favorite is when I can only think of the first line of the chorus, though that's more of a daytime madness than insomnia. One line, and I have to sing it over. And over. And over. . . I hear it coming out of my mouth and it reinforces the cycle before I can even stop it.

For two months on and off I sang a line and a half of "Save the Last Dance for Me." And I was never sure I had the line right.

It's sort of a wonder I was never shot. Here's to living with the infinitely loving and patient!


smilesawakeyou December 25 2006, 04:02:12 UTC
I always only get one line stuck in my head while I'm a.) trying to study, b.) taking a test, or c.) trying to sleep while stressed. But that one line will go on that super up-beat tempo that makes me want to take an ice pick to my brain. I haaaate it.

I then sing it over and over again and drive everyone crazy. I've been accused of doing it on purpose when really, it's not of my own volition to go from "Sexy Back" to "Fraggle Rock" to "Lodi Dodi" to "The Four Seasons". It makes me feel insane. Why would anyone do that PURPOSEFULLY?


blindswandive December 19 2006, 23:26:55 UTC
If I remember correctly, the only reason I ever saw it in the first place was to get laid. And I don’t even think that cunning plan of mine worked! Brilliant.

So, to me, in my delusional, Bacon-induced delirium, I remain convinced that it is really just super-late at night and maybe if I hold out just a tiny bit longer, sweet sleep shall be mine and Footloose will be cursed back into whatever swirly vortex of doom from whence it came. I'm with Heidi, on this, that was beautiful.

And. . .
Please, Stephen, be funny. Just make it all funny again. That desperation about made me want to cry. . And it felt so empty and cold when Stephen hung up. And so uplifting when he called again!

I've had these nights, too.. you've so wonderfully captured them.

This was just fantastic. I can't really describe it. But thank you so much, please, please write more for us!

(And, your icons are great. "Bitch, please" is love. And.. . did I read that comm name right. . . and there is, in fact, Monty Python slash out there??)


smilesawakeyou December 20 2006, 06:13:37 UTC
AH, RINGO MAKES SOME OF THE BEST "BITCH PLEASE" FACES EVERRRRR!!! And yes, there is a Python slash community. I'm actually working on something for them right now but we'll see what happens with that, seeing as I left my Python biography at school. Argh boo. But seriously, even though it's rather quiet, the community is pretty kickass. coughJOINcough... ahem. What?

However, this community and johnheartpaul are my absolute favorites.

I'll try to write more... hopefully it won't suck too hard. Yay.

Thank you for the feedback! I love it when people quote parts of my story back at me. I'm such a compliment whore.


blindswandive December 20 2006, 06:52:46 UTC
He DOES. My goodness, I'd never quite realized.. That icon makes my life more gleeful.

...May I ask, who are you slashing in this thing on which you are working for pythonslash? :)

And in regards to being a compliment whore and quoting, I definitely understand. Me, too. Oi. But those lines (and many others in this) deserve second runs! Or thirds, as the case may be! It was my pleasure!


smilesawakeyou December 25 2006, 03:58:03 UTC
The two I'm slashing in my story are Michael and Eric. Basically because I find the two of them the most attractive. And the fact that Eric was all... aloof and "ooh, I only like to write on my own!" and Mike was all "ooh, I'm married and cool and a terribly nice person who reeks of amazingness". Of course, Graham Chapman plays into a little bit as the resident gay-boy but he's not really you know... romantically involved and whatnot.

My icon has the other best "bitch please" face, brought to us by George Martin, producer of the Beatles. Seriously, I have such an inappropriate crush on him. He's old enough to be my grandfather but my perversion knows no bounds.


snoopygal327 December 26 2006, 00:45:53 UTC
I love you and your slashiness. It's the only thing right now that's keeping me from feeling like death with this stupid cold. Moooooore. Give me moooooore.


smilesawakeyou December 26 2006, 06:24:57 UTC
I will once I actually have something... uh... not shitty? Haha. It's gonna have to wait until after I return from the land of no internet connection. Le sigh. What oh what shall I do?

In other news, I LOVE YOU and thanks for indulging my silliness. Feel better, pookie.


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