Title: The Mission (Gift for Arashikuro)
Pairing: Sakumiya, Juntoshi, and a surprise at the end
Rating/Warnings: Language, gay references
Summary: Where Nino thinks Sho is gay and Aiba helps.
Notes: So here it is! This was the story I wrote for
arashikuro at the great Arashi Fanfiction Exchange. I'm so glad that she liked it because me and my beta worked
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Comments 1
My favourite part is definitely this:
“However!” Nino exclaimed. “Studies have shown that this specific specimen does not react at all to these beautiful females. That specimen is this!” And as he said that, Nino slammed a badly taken picture of Sho stuffing his face with ramen on one of his few days off.
There were tears in my eyes. TEARS.
About a third of the story in, I thought it might have ended in Sakuraiba, so I was SO HAPPY when my wish was granted in the end. Aaaah, Sakuraiba~
Thank you for indulging my Sakuraiba shipper heart <3
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