Title: Like Passing Notes in Secrecy Chapter: 11/13 Rating: R Character: Puck/Rachel Summary: He's never really missed a girl before. He never cared enough, really, to miss anyone. Word Count: 5,100 Disclaimer: Don't own.
I don't even think I could keep myself from sighing happily if I tried. The journey they've made in this fic is so incredible and being there with them is even better. I love that he came to visit her for a change. I'm eager to see how they find the solution to their living situation. Hopefully it ends with a nice engagement ring <333
I nearly had a heart attack when she said she was going to London!! Then I sat here, trying to figure out if that would work. I decided that it would, even if it would be awesome if Puck and Hannah would somehow follow her there. Then I felt bad she wasn't going to (I continued reading) because it's what she's been working for. HOW DOES THE AUDITION GO!!>?!>!>?
Anyway, great chapter, as always, keep up the good work. (This story is coming to an end. I'm so SAD thinking about it, so I won't - denile isn't only a river in egypt, you know.)
Wow. The way you write characters is amazing. I feel like I have been a third wheel watching the development of their relationship, almost like I'm a part of it. I'm so glad she chose him over London. Because it's stupid and he's better. I can't wait for more (like possibly engagement?).
Comments 21
I don't even think I could keep myself from sighing happily if I tried. The journey they've made in this fic is so incredible and being there with them is even better. I love that he came to visit her for a change. I'm eager to see how they find the solution to their living situation. Hopefully it ends with a nice engagement ring <333
Anyway, great chapter, as always, keep up the good work. (This story is coming to an end. I'm so SAD thinking about it, so I won't - denile isn't only a river in egypt, you know.)
Thanks so much for the comment. :)
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