Title: Every Time You Shine, I'll Shine For You
Chapter: 1/1
Warning: Spoilers for Never Been Kissed. NC-17-ish
Pairing: Finn/Rachel
Summary: He lasts until they're in her room before he touches her. Which is actually kind of, like, a miracle or something.
Word Count: 5,270
Disclaimer: Don't own.
A/N: I can't remember who it was (sorry!) but someone
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Comments 15
Awesome. A bright spot in an otherwise not so bright day.
This is seriously just what I needed after last nights episode. You pretty much hit everything spot on as I would imagine it. You capture Finn's voice so well! Rachel covering her eyes when Finn sang to her was the most adorable thing I've ever seen and I totally smiled super big again when I got to that part :)
Lovely, lovely job!
How (or why) Rachel stays clothed around this boy is beyond me, but I love the little seduction dance between them. They're inexperience is sexy in it's own right.
So, yeah, kind of loved this.
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