Title: And I Had But One Penny In The World Chapter: 1/1 Character: Jake/Marley Summary: She's humming along to We Three Kings and he doesn't really want to interrupt her. Post-Thanksgiving. For earnmysong. Disclaimer: Don't own.
I'm catching up on all of your fic right now and this one was just adorable. I really love Marley and Jake together, they're so cute. I wish the aftermath of Marley passing out had been more like this, eating disorders are a serious thing and I didn't like how they just brushed over it and had most of the kids blaming Marley for their loss. And why didn't anyone other than Santana get angry at Kitty? Sorry, venting. This was cute though. :)
I saw your Nate/Serena fic and I was getting pretty desperate for a fic w one of my ships so I decided to check your LJ for the hell of it. Found this. SO HAPPY. I love how simple and low-key it is. I hope you write more for this couple.
Comments 9
I never understood how Glee tried to make us believe that Jake is a bad boy when we never actually see him do anything bad.
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