Title: The Sky Turns Black From Blue Pairing: Tyler/Caroline Prompt: drink up, baby, look at the stars, I'll kiss you again, between the bars For: stainofmylove Disclaimer: Don't own.
This is lovely! You're my favourite TC writer, you just capture them (especially Tyler) so brilliantly! I check your page every day in the hopes of one and get so excited when it happens. You never disappoint :)
Ahhhh, what a great gift to come home from vacation to!! This is so wonderful and true to these characters for me. Something I think is so great about the pairing is that the way Caroline is would probably be construed as weak by any other character, but Tyler basically just sees those characteristics as the best thing ever. Like the fact that she checked in on him secretly while Tyler never did the same--he sees that as proof that she's better than him instead of less proud or less strong or less anything ... it's just so amazing and arggggggg I love them I want them back. Thank you for this <3
Comments 6
And this:
She's better than he is.
Was so amazing.
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