Tomorrow is snow day #6 for my kids. They've already closed school tomorrow, after a failed closing today. There was NO reason for closing today, just like there was no reason to close last Friday, or that Wednesday the week before last. We could have gotten away with a delayed opening. Delayed openings still count as a school day. Closing,
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Comments 9
Now the board is meeting to see if they should take away some of the winter recess dates. Gee, ya think? I'm thinking its a no brainer to take away some of the winter recess dates.
I'm glad that the rodent is predicting an early spring, but seriously, I doubt anyone of them had the nerve to say the groundhog is predicting 6 more weeks of this winter. We would have been eating ground hog soup for dinner if they had said more winter!
My issue is that NYC either calls school or no school. They don't do delay openings. Yesterday, it wasn't all that bad by the end of the day, but they should have delayed opening, because early a.m. It was sooo hard getting out. On top of all that, we also had to get the little ones to the sitter. It was really awful.
Fun times.
so much fun times.
Kill. Me. Now.
Think spring. It has to come sometime, right?
But hey- trying to be least the living room and the hallway are all nice and steam cleaned.
The kids are now on different floors of the house. One upstairs and one downstairs. Because the screaming match while attempting to *help* with the snow shoveling would embarrass a truck driver.
Its gotta be spring soon.
Hey - they say both groundhogs around here are saying early spring. Seriously? After the winter we've had- if they claimed there was going to be 6 more weeks of winter, we would all be eating groundhog stew for dinner.
I hope you're surviving!
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