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punchtheflowers September 24 2011, 18:40:45 UTC
The weird'll hit you soon enough.

What're you doing here? You enrolled?


punchtheflowers September 25 2011, 07:38:03 UTC
[Vinnie leaned back on his computer chair, recalling the events that had led up to this point. It was nearly a full year since he arrived, which meant it had been as good a time as any to reevaluate what he was doing here.]

T'be honest, the classes don't really mean much t'me, 'cept that you gotta enroll t'keep staying here.

You don't get stronger from just parking your ass on a freezing mountain forever. It's from gettin' experience. Being able t'take anything thrown at you, no matter how stupid or crazy or dangerous. An' right now, it feels like this school's the best place for it.


punchpokeballs September 25 2011, 07:48:00 UTC
[Chika's ears quickly perked with curiosity, okay forget the whole haughty bitch attitude for a minute.

She approached slightly closer to her teammate, as if she's trying to say, 'seriously? Tell me more what experience made you feel stronger in this school!'.]


punchtheflowers September 25 2011, 08:00:32 UTC
[Well okay, to be honest there wasn't a lot that really made him feel stronger ever since his injury. Perhaps a better word would've been more self-aware, which to Vinnie, was an aspect of real strength.]

I guess first off, there's a lot've strong people at the school. Not just Pokemon either. I've been working for a guy with more muscles in his two arms than a Machamp has in all four. Sparred with him once 'round the time I got here last year, and he kicked my ass even though he's human.

He really knows how t'push you in physical training. It's been helpin' me get my strength back.


punchpokeballs September 25 2011, 09:46:06 UTC
[She put her paw on her makeshift chin and think, hmm, this school might not be so bad. It wasn't weird in the way she pictured it, but it was strange alright, a lot about this school sounds different from things back home.]

Pii, pika pika pii... p-pika pika pika pika! ["Alright, I'll try things out and that humanization thing... b-but because most people are too stupid to understand what we're saying!"]


punchtheflowers September 25 2011, 19:18:48 UTC
[Vinnie nodded. Wait there was something else he forgot to mention.]

Oh, and sometimes people get magically turned into stuff and swap bodies or de-age and shit. But that always lasts for 'bout a week, then everything goes back t'normal. I was a Ninetales once. Fuckin' miserable. Watch out for that.


punchpokeballs September 25 2011, 22:01:27 UTC

... )


punchtheflowers September 25 2011, 22:06:01 UTC
[Yeah, Vinnie shrugged. Calling it a 'cursed pool' really didn't explain much. He had no idea.]

...Yeah. Like I said, you'll get a taste of weird soon enough.


punchpokeballs September 25 2011, 22:40:59 UTC
["I'm dying to know"]


punchtheflowers September 26 2011, 01:42:52 UTC
Dunno, I don't think anyone's really figured out why it happens. We were on a cursed island for the Ninetales thing... I got turned back to a kid, too.

But it's always over in a week or two. Just remember that much.


punchpokeballs September 26 2011, 09:19:31 UTC
[Chika tilted her head, wait, as in Vinnie went back as a Bulbasaur again?

She then shook her head, no, not even in two weeks time would make her get over it if she ever turned back into a Pichu. And let's not even go to the prospect how to make her go back into a Pikachu if the effects ever last longer. She looked at Vinnie with concern, oh Arceus, if this is just the icing, she can't imagine what crap her teammates have been through.]


punchtheflowers September 26 2011, 18:55:04 UTC
[Vinnie couldn't help but chuckle a little - why did everyone dislike the idea of being a kid again so much? To him, it'd been a rather welcome distraction from the adult mess of his life. Of course, he missed it more than he should've, but that couldn't be helped.

Or maybe it was just odd to them because his team had never known him as a Bulbasaur before. They'd met after he evolved after all.]

Bein' a Bulbasaur again's really not the worst thing t'ever happen. It was pretty fun.


punchpokeballs September 26 2011, 22:31:17 UTC

... )


punchtheflowers September 26 2011, 23:44:22 UTC
[Well... now that he thought about it, Vinnie was somewhat surprised by how much he'd gotten used to in the period of a year. The fact that getting de-aged was really the least of his worries was saying something. Being maimed and legitimately murdered during the school year gave you a sense of perspective.

Maybe he'd changed. Well, he had physically, he knew that much. Was he a different person now?]

Well... it's been a long year. [That came out sounding a lot more tired than he meant to. Maybe he looked a little sad... but that's probably your imagination.]


punchpokeballs September 27 2011, 07:16:29 UTC
[No, she definitely noticed that look, she slowly walked closer and climbed up to Vinnie's lap, she said nothing however there was worry clearly written all over her face.]


punchtheflowers September 27 2011, 07:29:21 UTC
[Ah... nothing's wrong. Really. He would be a crappy big brother if the little sister had worry about him. Vinnie gave a small smile in an attempt to reassure her as he scratched behind one of her ears.]

Don't sweat it. I'm sure you'll be fine here.


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