[HEART SWAP EVENT] Falcon and Olimar 8D

Jul 30, 2008 22:05

Characters: Manaphy, Olimar, Capt Falcon and random passerby.
What: Manaphy wants to ask something about Biology. But douchebag Falcon makes that impossible.
Where: Olimar's office mostly.
Rating: PG-13ish for swearing?

Normally Manaphy would avoid asking a lot of questions - he usually tried to figure out ( Read more... )

!rp log, olimar (pikmin), captain falcon (f-zero), !completed log, manaphy (pokemon)

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Comments 57

leadthemalong July 31 2008, 02:24:25 UTC
Olimar never really planned on testing his students on any of the creatures he had lectured straight out of his research but he had figured with the interest students displayed it would help get them more into other assignments and it did for the most part.

Manaphy had walked in, he seemed rather nervous though then again most students seemed rather uncomfortable. After all who wants to directly approach a teacher so bluntly?

Knowing he had to get going early to meet up with Falcon he had completely all his work and grading. He moved papers on his desk out of the way and smiled meekly, "Hello Manaphy, may I help you with something?"


manaphyofthesea July 31 2008, 02:31:41 UTC
"Hi sir!" Manaphy smiled in relief that the professor was not at all busy; he hated being rude. "I...just had a question about a couple of homework problems..."

Sitting on a chair across from Olimar's desk, he produced the homework paper that was partially filled out.

"I...wanted to know more about their social behavior? Uh...more like how they communicate and such. Their dietary habits are a bit confusing too..."


leadthemalong July 31 2008, 02:41:51 UTC
"Oh, that's not not a problem at all! Thank you very much for taking your time for this!" Having him take his time to go over something he discovered, his very own work, left pride and a feeling of success.

Olimar scanned over Manaphy's papers. "Well Pikmin travel in groups you could say. As many as one hundred can be found together, they are very social creatures and rely on teamwork. As for their dietary habits...it's very intriguing indeed. Like plants the pikmin take in sunlight however they are capable of consuming various nectars."

Still with a smile, he was actually quite agitated earlier. Leon seemed to have been out of contact and he was all of of the transformation pills that he had been taking. So now he found himself stuck in his old alien form. Having to work at less than three feet wasn't easy.

"Is there anything else Manaphy? I hope I've been able to be of some help."


manaphyofthesea July 31 2008, 02:49:52 UTC

Manaphy took the paper back from the little professor (he didn't care that the teacher was shorter since Manaphy himself was only a foot tall in Pokemon form) and furiously wrote down the answers that he just received. Then looking up again, he asked another question.

"This is the last one Mr. Olimar...uhm. Are they hermaprodites or have genders like us?"


pedaltothemetal July 31 2008, 03:14:29 UTC
It wasn't a long walk from his office to Olimar's so Falcon made the trip rather quickly. He had to admit, it was rather convenient that both were science teachers and therefore had offices in the same wing. So as soon as he had finished grading papers and doing a little more organization, he locked the room and headed in the biology teacher's general direction.

He was in a good mood, and that meant he wouldn't bother to knock. It had become a kind of habit of his to burst in unannounced an uninvited, and today was no exception. Besides, Ollie should be expecting him. They were supposed to be going somewhere, after all.

Falcon gripped the knob and flung the door open with a rather satisfying BANG, bursting rather dramatically into the room. "HEEEY OLLIE!"


manaphyofthesea July 31 2008, 03:19:56 UTC

Manaphy was about to leave for the door when a GIANT BANG resonated around his ears. Captain Falcon certainly had his way with entrances...and despite the boy's efforts (?), it was too late.

A familiar glow overcame Manaphy's antennae and eyes, and time stopped momentarily as Falcon and Olimar's "hearts" were swapped. Instantly, everything went back to normal - as much as possible, of course.

Snapping back, Manaphy looked around. He saw Falcon...and Olimar...in all the wrong places. Realizing in horror at what just happened, he began to shake uncontrollably. Past memories awashed him before he hit the ground in a faint...


leadthemalong July 31 2008, 03:26:16 UTC
"Manaphy...are you alright?" Upon seeing the boy collapse Olimar had rushed to his side not knowing why he had fainted. "Manaphy!?" Even distracted with the sudden distress...something...didn't seem right...


pedaltothemetal July 31 2008, 03:37:17 UTC
Falcon, however, was not so oblivious to the situation.

It took him a moment to gain his bearings, but when he did, he saw Manaphy unconscious on the floor and he knew exactly what had just happened, mostly because he heard his voice and he was not talking. He had seen this happen to Otacon...then Samus and Jeff...

And now him apparently.



leadthemalong July 31 2008, 03:42:44 UTC
Now something was definitely not right. He wasn't talking, why would he himself say that so loudly and so sudden. He momentarily turned his attention away from Manaphy to see where that came from. He...was looking right at himself...The school's heart swaps were never mentioned to Olimar and thus was uncertain of WHY he was watching himself panic in a fit of swears. He got to his feet again...why was he all of a sudden much taller...even taller then the height he was used to as a human.



pedaltothemetal July 31 2008, 03:53:51 UTC


He had to take a second to fully comprehend the situation. His violent burst into the room must have spooked Manaphy into it, and unfortunately for Falcon, he remembered the other captain telling him he had recently run out of Leon's...what were they called...'gijinka' pills.

Which explained why he was looking up at everything. And he was not happy about it.

And clearly Olimar was clueless. Just great. Falcon was not good at explaining things while freaking out, which he was just about to do.

"MANAPHY. HE DOES THIS THING. A POKEMON THING." He made a wild hand motion, continuing to raise his voice. "AND....WE'RE SWITCHED AND NOW YOU'RE ME. FUCK."


leadthemalong July 31 2008, 04:00:18 UTC
"What!?..." Sounded as typical as anything else strange to go on in this school, though it still seemed TOO absurd...but watching himself flail around screaming at him heightened the realization.

"C-calm down please!" Olimar said rather hushed, kneeling to Falcon's new eye level. "I-I...I don't know what to say...this is temporary isn't it?" With this he looked at his own hands seeing he was wearing the fingerless gloves Falcon always wore. Feeling to awkward to respond he kept silent.


pedaltothemetal July 31 2008, 04:21:12 UTC
"Calm DOWN!? Are you fucking SERIOUS!? Do you not realize what just HAPPENED? I'm a fucking alien and I'm not even three feet tall!" He wheeled around, pulling on Ollie's pointed ears for emphasis, finding it incredibly awkward to make eye contact with himself.

"RGH!" He leaned against the door with his back to the other captain, trying desperately to compose himself. It wasn't working very well but he at least managed to answer the question. "Yeah. Temporary. Less than...a week, tops. It's happened to...Otacon...and Samus and Jeff. You spook the kid and it sets him off."

Sure, he knew it would wear off soon enough. But that didn't mean he was going to be happy about it. "SHIT, THIS SUCKS. AND IT'S FUCKIN' WEIRD."


leadthemalong July 31 2008, 05:10:32 UTC
The uneasy uncomfortable tension broke with Falcon swearing over being Olimar.

"Excuse ME?" Now Olimar was raising his voice, not by a lot but it was clear he took this VERY offensively, "Are you insisting it's unbearable to be me?" Originally he intended on commenting how uncomfortable it was hearing himself shout and scream like that but he himself could have a little of a temper at times.


pedaltothemetal July 31 2008, 05:33:34 UTC
"Oh come on, like YOU'RE not flipping shit over this." He turned around again, trying his best to look menacing and finding it very very difficult. "Admit it, you're just as freaked out as I am."

Fighting with yourself was admittedly very strange.

"Ollie, I am used to being six-foot-three. Bear with me okay, this is NOT FUN."


leadthemalong July 31 2008, 05:37:24 UTC
"I...I...I AM very alarmed over this...but please don't act like this!..." Watching Falcon made him realize how unintimidating he must seem to others.

Olimar placed a hand on Falcon's head, patting him didn't seem to strange since it was pretty much himself. "Just please PLEASE settle down. Acting...hysterical isn't going to help..."


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