Dorm Log!

Jan 20, 2011 14:21

Who: It's OPEN. (Anyone)
What: Dorm hijinks and etc. Whatever you want.
Where: Student and Teacher dorms, and quite possibly beyond.
When: January 20-31
Warnings: Not even gonna.

Remembuh me? The roomie log turned out to be a success, and a lot of really awesome interactions took place. Because of this, I've decided it was about time to post ( Read more... )

giratina (pokemon), porygon-z (pokemon), lucas (mother), ampere/pikachu (pokemon), little mac (punch out), marie/squirtle (pokemon), lucas (pokemon), otacon (metal gear), izzy/zubat (pokemon), gideon/dusknoir (pokemon), giovanni (pokemon), hawke (advance wars), lyra (pokemon), smeargle (pokemon), rachel (advance wars), general guy (mario), canas (fire emblem), duster (mother), tony (mother), apple kid (mother), sonic (sonic the hedgehog), dana/dialga (pokemon), lash (advance wars), lip (panel de pon), zelda (zelda), kirby (kirby), ganondorf dragmire (zelda), spinny/spinarak (pokemon), bulba/ivysaur (pokemon), cyrus (pokemon), milimili/banette (pokemon), max (advance wars), green (pokemon), samus aran (metroid), sabrina (pokemon), andy (advance wars), archer (pokemon), goose (pilotwings), watt (mario), yoshi (mario), captain falcon (f-zero), turtwig (pokemon), ness (mother), bob heather/arceus (pokemon), lighter (mother), melissa woodward (hotel dusk), fuel (mother), claus (mother), leon powalski (starfox), poo (mother), !open log, falco lombardi (star fox), vinnie/venusaur (pokemon), misty (pokemon), pit (kid icarus), jeff andonuts (mother), kerosene/charizard (pokemon), slippy toad (starfox), snake (metal gear), falkner (pokemon), bowser (mario), parakarry (mario), brock (pokemon), anshu/solrock (pokemon), nyx/gengar (pokemon), bill (pokemon), raiden (metal gear), ashley (wario ware), waddle dee (kirby), peach (mario), erika (pokemon)

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BE-18 - An Ivysaur besteststarter January 20 2011, 23:32:09 UTC
((He might be lacking in a room mate again for the duration of this thread. He'll probably be super mopey until whenever it is Char gets back, and sometimes you might find Kirby in there. When he's not, the door is open a bit so anybody can come in yeaaaah ~o~



punchtheflowers January 21 2011, 13:53:16 UTC
Char's name. Spoken alongside himself. Vinnie's face twitched, curling into a small scowl at the very notion. It was like an involuntary reflex.

"Don't compare me to that asshole," he muttered. Just because they were prone to fighting, and hot-headed and loud and stubborn and jerks and... Yeah, he wasn't going to think about that list anymore, because he was starting to feel a little sick. "I don't start fights just t'be a dick."

Tomato plants was better than nothing. Hadn't Vinnie talked his bonsai trees into health as well? But a part of him was still irritated by this favour. It made him uncomfortable putting Bulba in that sort of position. He was uncomfortable being in this situation at all. "I don't see how you could make it worse. I mean, unless you've got parasite fungus and...

"You know what, forget I said anything. You don't hafta do anything if you want."


besteststarter January 22 2011, 04:23:05 UTC
Bulba just ignored that whole first bit because he really wasn't going to get into that right now. It was the last thing Vinnie had said that had gotten to him a little bit.

It bothered him a lot more than it probably should have. The tone, the words he used, how quickly the topic was trying to get brushed off. Little things that wouldn't have been too big of a deal any other week. They would have garnered a little bit of annoyance, certainly, but nothing Bulba would have made a big deal over. But this week... This week was different. This was the week that Bulba had been counting all the reasons why he shouldn't have amounted to anything worth something. He was trying to cling to Green's words of encouragement, but it wasn't working out. So while it wasn't Vinnie's intent in any way, it still stung and crept up under Bulba's skin. Just one more thing to add to the list of things that were wrong about himself that he couldn't do anything about.

Bulba couldn't blame him for changing his mind. He wasn't a wild Ivysaur, ( ... )


punchtheflowers January 22 2011, 06:44:09 UTC
Vinnie, obviously, had no idea what had been going on with Bulba's personal stresses that particular week. He was too busy getting thrown off buildings, himself - something that was just the first reminder in what would be many to come of his new, pathetic helplessness. Fighting in human form was something he'd done before, but relying on a tool instead of his floral powers gave him little control, with what little skill he had. It was... a reality check.

If it was the irrationality of his pride that kept Vinnie from talking to Bulba before, then he was feeling anything but proud right now. He couldn't really articulate the sort of shame he felt, after building up the self-expectation to look out for the Ivysaur, maybe be a role model. Yeah right. As a Venusaur, he was like a... failed parent or something ( ... )


besteststarter January 22 2011, 09:48:21 UTC
Bulba's look darkened for a moment. Of course he didn't expect him to. He... Bulba had to bite his tongue to keep himself from tossing Vinnie out of his room right then and there. He took in a slow, deep breath as he pressed his palm against his forehead and sort of glared at a very empty corner of the room ( ... )


this is gonna be the worst punchtheflowers January 25 2011, 13:32:53 UTC
Bulba was right (as usual). This was the whole reason Vinnie had even come here. What was the point of telling Dana that she couldn't keep letting her pride get in the way of asking for help when he was being such a hypocrite?

He didn't want to let go of that tiny, seed of hope that Erika planted in him, as selfish as it was. Anything had to be better than the uncertainty of never knowing, never trying, and waiting endlessly on some sort of miracle. That was the worse option between the two. Bulba's opinion of him shouldn't have been such a big deal.

Stop chickening out. Screw second thoughts, screw dignity. Screw everything, maybe if he kept repeating it to himself, he'd buy into his own delusions.

It was obvious that this was still hard for the Venusaur to say - he was feeble, hurt and defensive, self-injecting humility for a tiny glimmer of possibility. His determination was forced, but that was be best he could do right now.

Just because Bulba knew what his injuries were, didn't mean he knew exactly the whole extent of his ( ... )


no shut up besteststarter January 25 2011, 22:06:24 UTC
And then they made out.

This was a strange new light to be seeing Vinnie in. Awkward visits to hospitals and gardens aside, he'd always been some sort of bastion of confidence. It had always been a little infuriating, but that was mostly an issue of different team perceptions making him come across as smug. But now he was sitting in Bulba's room, fumbling and mumbling and generally looking very flustered and uncomfortable.

It was a surreal experience. Vinnie probably wouldn't realize it, but it was slowly (sloooowly) drawing Bulba back out of whatever damned shell he had set up for himself. Sure he was still a little aggravated. Sure he was feeling doubtful. Being able to worry about someone and something unrelated to his own miserable failures though- even if it was someone he maybe shouldn't have been worried about- was a welcome change of pace.

And it was stupid but he was genuinely concerned. Bulba had countless amounts of faded injuries on odd parts of his person from when he had been gripped by very deep running ( ... )


never shutting up punchtheflowers January 25 2011, 22:49:26 UTC
All the making out

Vinnie's brows knitted. He knew Bulba was just trying to be charitable, not asking him to revert back to the leafless, Pokemon form that gave him so much anxiety, but they both knew it was probably next to impossible trying to make his tattoos grow back.

He just had to man up and do this. If this was gonna happen, it couldn't be half-assed. With a sullen growl, he rolled up his sleeves (which really wouldn't do anything, other than psyching him for the task) and stood up. "No, I can do this."

Pop! In an instant, he was on all fours again, heavy and warty and... pruned. Just like he said, the only thing left of his front and left side leaves were sad, painful-looking stubs. As a Venusaur, he had been rendered asymmetrically broken. Even the pink of his flower was duller in colour, and its scent - while still present - was significantly less strong.

Vinnie shifted his weight uneasily over his feet, unable to look at Bulba in the face. He felt naked.


gosh besteststarter January 26 2011, 00:15:25 UTC
Even if he had been expecting what it could look like, Bulba wasn't fully prepared to actually see it for what it was. He let out a slow breath as he got to his feet, trying not to admit that the few steps it took to get to him were shaky. They were. It was hard to look at anything but the wounds, though he did try. They just kept drawing him back in with some sort of morbid fascination. The dull sympathetic pains that had been taking root in his back were throbbing. Everything about this was just wrong.

He touched Vinnie's side with a nervous hand, but the touch was brief, quickly replaced by the soft rustle of a leaf against his leg. Bulba kept quiet, not knowing what to say. Then again, he was pretty sure Vinnie might have preferred that he wasn't saying anything about it. Instead he padded around him and gently nudged the side of Vinnie's head with his own, before taking a seat besides him.

Now he wasn't sure what he was supposed to do about it. "Should..." he started quietly, sounding every bit as confused and ( ... )


Re: gosh punchtheflowers January 26 2011, 00:38:43 UTC
The Venusaur gave a deep, gutteral huff, equivalent of a sigh. "I dunno, go for it," he muttered, sounding just as uneasy as Bulba did. He nudged the Ivysaur back, a bit more insistently, pushing his head against the smaller saur's legs as an indication that he had permission to climb on top. It was certainly large enough to support Bulba's weight, and Vinnie had a pretty thick skull in every sense of the term.

Lying down was still a bit of an annoyance with his bruised ribs, but he managed by folding his front legs under him. This only made Vinnie look even more withdrawn than he already was.


besteststarter January 26 2011, 02:04:15 UTC
Alright, alright, he was going. It had never once crossed his mind ever in the past that he might have some day been climbing up the Venusaur's face, but there he went, carefully picking his way up to the top of his broad head. Vinnie probably didn't make a habit of toting Ivysaurs around up there either, so it might have come as a surprise that the other saur was a good deal lighter than his usual cat companion despite his size ( ... )


punchtheflowers January 26 2011, 07:28:47 UTC
Bulba may have been lighter than Euphie, he certainly didn't have the liquid grace of a psychic feline. Vinnie grunted awkwardly as flat Ivysaur feet plodded across his head, onto his vulnerable back. This was actually the first the he'd allowed anyone to climb onto him ever since the fight - the weight of another Pokemon's body only multiplied the feeling of how exposed and bare his body was right now ( ... )


besteststarter January 26 2011, 09:30:41 UTC
Bulba wasn't sure how long to keep it up would be long enough to make a difference. As stubborn as he had been that he could do something, he recognized in that moment that it might not have been enough of something. The reaction so far felt positive though, and that was encouraging. It was definitely taking what was being offered, he could feel that much. Spurred on by that, he kept going until he was sure there was nothing else he could do ( ... )


punchtheflowers January 26 2011, 09:53:22 UTC
The withered stub, oblivious to the panic Bulba was exuding in its direction, had flaked off from the main stem, dead and detached completely. Now that the flower no longer needed to spare the energy to care for it and fight infection, it was free to conserve its strength for regrowth. Of course, it didn't really look that way. It looked more like the Ivysaur had talked the flower into losing even more leaf.

The process was so innocuous that Vinnie didn't even notice it at all. There wasn't the slightest pain, or any indication that something had happened. So he was still lying there waiting on some tangible reaction. The tingling in the base of his stem had stopped, but that seemed to be the only change.

When Bulba finally spoke, the Venusaur sleepily opened his eyes. "Uh... I dunno, she didn't really say. Why?"


besteststarter January 26 2011, 10:02:23 UTC
There was a very quiet stream of "...uuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..." drifting from the Ivysaur's general direction.

Perhaps if Bulba were to put forth the common sense and general amounts of knowledge he possessed, he might have realized that there really wasn't anything wrong. This was actually quite a natural process and good job, it had worked fairly well on a dormant plant. It was really quite unfortunate then that all of those things had been, at the moment, completely tossed out the window in his tired and moody state. Oops.

So it was with great trepidation that the Ivysaur crept over Vinnie's head, peeking down over his forehead.

"... Do you feel any better?"


punchtheflowers January 26 2011, 10:15:11 UTC
Contrary to what some may believe, it was quite a difficult feat to look at someone when they were standing on your forehead. Vinnie's head lifted marginally as he went cross eyed in an attempt to figure out if anything had actually happened up there.

Bulba was acting a bit odd. If nothing was going on, then he could've just said so. Vinnie had pretty plainly stated before that he hadn't expected miracles or anything.

"Don't think I feel that different." If Venusaurs had eyebrows, they would have been raised. Again, he repeated, "Whyyy...?"


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