Nov 19, 2010 01:22

Who: Anyone who was sent a note with an E# & F# table numbers.
Where: Off-campus restaurant. AND BEYOND!
When: November 19th
Warnings: Who knows depending who is here.

[The third group's restaurant is a rotating fancy restaurant, the tallest in all of FDC! The place is high up in the air, and you can see all of the ( Read more... )

giratina (pokemon), maxwell labs (mother), apple kid (mother), knuckles (sonic the hedgehog), uxie (pokemon), meta knight (kirby), ulki (fire emblem), vianca/red and white pikmin (pikmin), fuel (mother), kojiro/lapras (pokemon), zelda (zelda), r.o.b. (gyromite), ganondorf dragmire (zelda), sonny moe/snorlax (pokemon), raiden (metal gear), raikou (pokemon), wendy o. koopa(mario), shinon (fire emblem), eusine (pokemon), daisy (mario), * event - blind dates, raikov (metal gear), milimili/banette (pokemon), alex/zapdos (pokemon), erika (pokemon)

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Comments 238

TABLE E6 : PERSON WITH THE LETTER U IN THEIR NAME GOES FIRST! reign_of_power November 19 2010, 06:30:24 UTC
hawkhearsyou November 19 2010, 06:39:40 UTC
Well. At least the restaurant was really interesting. Too fancy for Ulki to comprehend, but he could deal with it. It was high up, and that gave him something to look at.

While he awkwardly sat, waiting, for his blind date. Whoops. Not exactly something he wanted to be doing.

Someone ran into his wings. He apologized to the table.


this icon has nothing to do with anything I just like it. swordonfire November 19 2010, 09:09:51 UTC
Oh, hello, there was his table. As much as he did not enjoy being signed up without his consent, the prospect of meeting new people (and $100) and being polite (did I mention the money) won him over. Basically it was against his ~code of honor~ to stand someone up. That was not cool.

And oh, look! It was an awkward winged man! Well uh. There goes the date part. WELL MAYBE HE COULD MAKE A NEW FRIEND.

ULKI SOMEONE'S TAKING A SEAT. AT YOUR TABLE. "Er... Hello. My name's Meta Knight."


are you sure it has nothing to do with anything...? hawkhearsyou November 19 2010, 15:10:48 UTC
The hawk laguz peeled his gaze from the window, looking his date square on. "And I am Ulki," he responded. He contemplated telling him straight-up that he didn't plan on being here, but he decided against it. That would make it seem as though he was forced into coming here! Ulki wasn't forced to do anything, as that was weakness.

He wondered if he should have tried to stay home. Not that the company was bad, he told himself, but because it seemed as though he obeyed. MY PRIDE...


TABLE F1 : PERSON WITH THE LETTER K IN THEIR NAME GOES FIRST! reign_of_power November 19 2010, 06:30:46 UTC
Re: TABLE F1 : PERSON WITH THE LETTER K IN THEIR NAME GOES FIRST! monotreme_101 November 19 2010, 15:21:25 UTC
He didn't mind too much that his name had been drawn randomly for this. It wasn't like it really MEANT anything in terms of a date and being as Ganondorf was organizing it and Ganondorf was one of his best friends, he was going to give it 100%. Everyone knew it was just an experiment so it wasn't as though he was cheating on his girlfriend or anything.

He took the table assigned to him, straightened his tie (Hey. Giving it 100% means dressing up fancy. You dress up fancy for dates. It's the rules.) and sipped at a glass of ice water till his date was ready to arrive.


hasprettiestmon November 19 2010, 16:24:51 UTC
Yes. Yes it was in the rules. Luckily Erika was always dressed up, so it didn't take a whole lot to prepare for the evening. (She might have done more, mind you, but as she was already spoken for... Well she saw little point in that.) She made a quick inquiry with the host at the entrance, and was politely pointed in the right direction.

Ever since Ganondorf's entry on the network, Erika had half been expecting a notice for it, despite not signing up herself. That was just how these sorts of things seemed to work around here. So she wasn't actually surprised when she did get one, and there she was. Her date, however, was a surprise. An altogether pleasant one!

Erika wore a small smile, giving Knuckles a small bow. "Good evening."


monotreme_101 November 20 2010, 07:15:27 UTC
A pleasant surprise indeed! Erika was one of the nicest folks he knew, always taking such good care of the greenhouse the way she did. He was happy to see her.

"Hey, Miss Erika!" He said, standing up from his chair and returning her bow. "Nice to see you! Here..."

He quickly ducked to the other side of the table, pulling out her chair for her. By now, he was pretty good at dates. Pulling out chairs, opening doors, eating with utensils - He had a firm grasp of most of it.


TABLE F2 : PERSON WITH THE LETTER U IN THEIR NAME GOES FIRST! reign_of_power November 19 2010, 06:31:03 UTC
LUCKY YOU betterthanawiki November 19 2010, 06:41:16 UTC
And there, seated comfortably on a booster seat and several phone books, was a very familiar yellow-headed pixie. Uxie hadn't bothered to dust off his rarely-used human form for this occasion; he doubted his date would have found it any more appealing than his usual self, in all honesty. Even so, this was a date, so he'd gone to the trouble of dressing up for the occasion: a little black bowtie sat around his neck.

Sure, it wasn't much, but it was awfully difficult to find clothes that fit a tiny little potato-bodied thing like Uxie. He might not have bothered at all, really, but one must do their best to impress, of course.

It wasn't every night that Uxie had the chance to dine with royalty.


ACTUALLY I FEEL MORE SORRY FOR UXIE brattykoopa November 19 2010, 17:08:52 UTC
Wendy was a little dubious about this whole blind date thing. If the only participants were other people in the school, she couldn't think of anyone she'd like to end up with. They were all a bunch of stupid do-gooders who just didn't get her! But maybe people from other schools were signed up, too. Maybe she'd meet a kindred spirit (read: potential manservant)!

Otherwise, she could just make the evening horrid and miserable for whoever she was stuck with. Also, a change from her usual meals would be nice.

So it was that she arrived at her table, dressed in her finest bow. She didn't even notice the tiny being at the other side until she sat down.

"...Move it. That spot's for my date."


CLASH OF THE HORRID LITTLE CREATURES betterthanawiki November 19 2010, 22:34:49 UTC
"I know," Uxie replied pleasantly. "That's why I'm sitting here." Heavens, she didn't really think a chair stacked this high with height-boosters would have been intended for anyone else, would she? Even so, he stood up on his little phone-book stack, exerting some telepathy to push her chair out for her. Object manipulation was altogether taxing when one was so much smaller than said objects, but that was no excuse to shirk on manners.

"It's a delight to meet you, Princess Wendy O. Koopa. My name is Uxie, being of knowledge, and I'll be your date for tonight."


TABLE F3 : PERSON WITH THE LETTER E IN THEIR NAME GOES FIRST! reign_of_power November 19 2010, 06:31:21 UTC
Re: TABLE F3 : PERSON WITH THE LETTER E IN THEIR NAME GOES FIRST! mystical_man November 19 2010, 13:14:05 UTC
Oh my, what a fancy restaurant. Eusine wasn't expecting such a place. The atmosphere was certainly romantic, befitting for a "blind date." He felt slightly guilty for not dressing up, but he figured that most of the other guests from the school hadn't either. Unfolding his napkin on his lap, he wondered what sort of person he would meet tonight.


Re: TABLE F3 : PERSON WITH THE LETTER E IN THEIR NAME GOES FIRST! distortionnoise November 22 2010, 20:29:42 UTC
At least you didn't have to worry about being dressed any less fancy than your date, Eusine. Giratina strolled up to the table, hands in his pockets, wearing his regular jeans and jacket. As he took his seat at the table, he made sure to glare at the person across from him. He obviously wasn't very happy about being forced to go on a date.

...What was this guy wearing? It was like he was going on a date with a magician or something. "So, Houdini. You're the guy I'm stuck with?"


Re: TABLE F3 : PERSON WITH THE LETTER E IN THEIR NAME GOES FIRST! mystical_man November 22 2010, 23:15:15 UTC
The first thing Eusine noticed was the rather obvious glare. That was followed by the casual clothes and sarcastic tone of voice. But Eusine wasn't one to get angry very easily. Smiling, he replied "I suppose so."

"I'm Eusine. Nice to meet you." Snapping his fingers, there was suddenly a card behind Giratina's ear. If the Pokemon bothered to look at it, he would see that it was the ace of spades.


TABLE F4 : PERSON WITH THE LETTER F IN THEIR NAME GOES FIRST! reign_of_power November 19 2010, 06:31:40 UTC
Re: TABLE F4 : PERSON WITH THE LETTER F IN THEIR NAME GOES FIRST! coveredinsoot November 19 2010, 06:46:45 UTC
Fuel had never been anywhere this fancy before. In fact, he hadn't even needed to step into the restaurant before he started feeling under dressed. He was under dressed for the elevator ride up oh jeez this was going to suck so hard. Now that he was here, and now that he had to wait for this whoever it was to actually show up, he regretted the second he decided that signing up for this would be a good idea.
He fidgeted in his seat, looking around the restaurant occasionally for someone who looked like they might be heading in his direction.


(The comment has been removed)

Re: TABLE F4 : PERSON WITH THE LETTER F IN THEIR NAME GOES FIRST! coveredinsoot November 19 2010, 07:15:24 UTC
"Um. Mine, I'm pretty sure." He reached into his pocket to retrieve the table assignment he'd received earlier, and held it up to the card. "Yeah, this is my seat." He shoved the paper back into his pocket, and looked back towards the archer. "Why?" Of course, it was entirely possible that Shinon was actually his 'date' and he was just confirming, but... There was a little bit of a doubt in Fuel's mind -- after all, he'd put on his sign up that he wanted to be arranged with a girl. Not just a girl, but one in his age range. The thought hadn't crossed his mind that maybe his request had been ignored, and so, like the considerate, tactful person he is, Fuel leaned across the table towards Shinon and decided to voice his concern in a hushed voice.

"You're not... y'know, some kind of weirdo, are you?"


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