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DAY TWO blazinglizard May 15 2010, 04:01:27 UTC
Evolution was an exhausting ordeal. A rapid change like that meant burning up a whole lot of energy. By all rights, that instinctual need to fight should have extinguished itself by now: the body only demanded it so that he could achieve evolution, and with that goal out of the way, the greater priority should have been resting up.

That wasn't the case.

Hunger, thirst, fatigue -- unimportant. He was stronger now. He could feel it in every last cell of his body. He needed to keep on fighting. He had to. There was an almost drunken sort of recklessness to his movements now; he was still clumsy in this new body, but he was positively revelling in its strength. Char stuck to the outdoors today. The football stadium, the campus grounds, the nearby forest... this body screamed for wide-open spaces.


Stoked the flame that keeps the fight blazinglizard May 18 2010, 03:58:33 UTC
Ouch. Congratulations, Max. You are now one of the few proud individuals here that can claim they've punched a dragon in the mouth.

Rather than making more futile attempts at landing bites while Max punched him repeatedly, Char now resolved that the best course of action would be to put some space between the two of them.

So he returned to his reliable standby: setting things on fire. Char opened his mouth, letting out a point-blank Flamethrower.


It's so hard to be objective tank_rockarms May 18 2010, 05:01:42 UTC
"Shit," said Max gritily. "Damn."

He was going to die in a fire.


The pink thing didn't think it was nice that the orange lizardy guy who sort of reminded him of his friend, only a lot bigger, kept trying to set his blue friend on fire. Slowpoke's (for this is who it was, dear reader) eyes glowed blue, and he stared directly at the charizard.

A trainer may have called this "using Disable."


When your reason is defective. blazinglizard May 19 2010, 06:12:15 UTC
Char drew in a deep breath, prepared to envelop Max in another burst of fire. Only... said burst of fire never quite arrived. He tried again, but somehow, the fire just wouldn't rise past his throat.

Gosh, maybe he was out of PP.

Utterly perplexed though he was, Char wasted no time in trying to figure out exactly what had caused his fire to stop. He was only interested in fighting, and if a move could no longer hurt anyone, it was of no use to him. At the very least, Max almost dying in a fire allowed Char to gain a little ground. If he couldn't breathe any fire, he'd just use the fire he already had: the one on the end of his tail. Char jabbed his blazing tailtip into Max's side -- that was as close as he could get, or he'd have aimed for someplace more vital -- and dug in his feet, pushing against Max in an attempt to break free.


You say that you've aged tank_rockarms May 19 2010, 06:48:13 UTC
"BALLS," exclaimed Max loudly. "GODDAMNIT, BALLS" he yelled as he got a fiery fire jabbed into his side. He started to glow yellow.

He decided the best thing to do in this situation was to punch the charizard in the face again. Twice.

You're making him angry. You don't want to see him when he's angry.

"Voltorb and Electrode are sometimes known as the 'Ball Pokemon'," added the sabredex.

Slowpoke was still sad that his friend was getting burnt. That wasn't very nice. He lazily sent over an orb of water from out of his mouth (somehow) in the direction of the charizard's tail, trying to keep his friend from getting hurt more.


SOMETIME IN THE EVENING geometricmagic May 15 2010, 05:26:16 UTC
This Magikoopa was still aching all over from the wilderness retreat. Nevermind that he was a creature who should naturally be able to fend for himself in the middle of the woods; his life long dependence on spells and magic left him almost without primitive survival skills. Not to mention. He was very old. That alone said enough ( ... )


Re: SOMETIME IN THE EVENING toyboxarmy May 15 2010, 05:28:38 UTC


Re: SOMETIME IN THE EVENING geometricmagic May 15 2010, 09:43:14 UTC



Re: SOMETIME IN THE EVENING blazinglizard May 15 2010, 05:54:23 UTC
Oh, Kamek. The forest was not a wise place to be.

At the very least, he wouldn't be caught off guard. Not if he was paying attention. There were plenty of signs. An usually bright light up in the sky. An irregular, off-beat sort of flapping noise. The crackle and rustle of branches snapping, of foliage being torn away.

Something very large erupting from the treetops and plummeting towards him at an alarming rate. Almost a free-fall, to be exact.


Re: SOMETIME IN THE EVENING geometricmagic May 15 2010, 06:33:07 UTC
If he hadn't noticed the other presence initially, he definitely did now. The mobile, rumbling sound was a strong indication that he wasn't alone in the forest. But Kamek wasn't afraid, nor did he react defensively. The first poor animal or wild Pokemon to attack him in the woods was getting a blast to the head, no questions asked. He was simply not in the mood to deal with more savage critters (and Pokemon) after the last few days.

The crackle of foliage turned into a loud snap of something shooting up straight from the trees, and it was then that Kamek decided it might be wise to keep a look out.

What was that?

A strange light from above caught his attention. An "orange blur" was the best he could make of it before realizing it was about to kamikaze right into him, and teleported at the last second.


Re: SOMETIME IN THE EVENING blazinglizard May 15 2010, 07:19:31 UTC
Char hit the ground full-force, earth and loam scattering as he skidded along the forest floor. His wings gave a few futile twitches, then he heaved himself upright, nostrils flaring, ominous wisps of smoke drifting from the corners of his mouth.

He'd seen something here. He was sure of it. He had not crushed it. It had to be somewhere. Where had it gone? Where was his prey? He let out a low growl and glanced around wildly, the blunt side of his tail slamming against a tree.

He couldn't see it on the ground. It had to be somewhere. Again, he struck the tree. Deliberately, this time around. He wheeled around and headbutted it. Slammed his whole body against it. It was little more than mindless thrashing -- lashing out against something simply because every last nerve screamed to lash out. He would not be denied a fight, no matter what.


Re: SOMETIME IN THE EVENING geometricmagic May 15 2010, 07:58:19 UTC
Kamek had teleported at a safe distance, his somewhat small frame hiding behind some of the bushes.

Seriously, what was that? It looked like a dragon-lizard. With a flame on its tail. The only other lizard he knew with a flame on its tail was General Guy's roommate. But this clearly wasn't that little runt of a Pokemon. It must have been wild.

And with the way that thing was swerving that tail around, he knew the forest wouldn't be a safe place much longer. Somewhere in the distance, Lighter and Flint were dreading the next few hours. Forget about shooting animals in the face, Kamek was not going to stick around for that mess.

Conjuring his broom, the turtle hopped on and slowly made his way out of the brush, careful not to make any sound as to avoid attracting the Charizard. Just when it seemed he was going to make it out of there unseen...

Crack!, a branch rustled as he accidentally bumped into it. So much for keeping quiet.


Re: SOMETIME IN THE EVENING blazinglizard May 15 2010, 08:35:58 UTC
As soon as he heard the noise, Char was charging after it, abandoning the tree.

Kamek had the advantage here. Char was still unfamiliar with his new body, unaccustomed to navigating in a form that was twice as big as he'd been as a Charmeleon. As long as he was in cramped quarters, he was going to have difficulty navigating.

That didn't mean that getting away was necessarily going to be easy, though. He may have been big, but Char was fast. And he could attack from a distance. Still thundering toward Kamek, Char opened his mouth, spitting out a Flamethrower.

Not a wise move when he was surrounded by wood, but Char was in no state to think about that. The only thing in his mind was making this floating thing burn. If anything else happened to burn in the process, that was utterly insignificant to him.


Re: SOMETIME IN THE EVENING geometricmagic May 15 2010, 09:21:07 UTC
It was getting dark, and attempting to make a break for it only resulted in his robes getting tangled in the branches. Just perfect. He tried whacking away at the trees using his scepter, the only thought processing through his mind was get out get out get out. Until the dragon-thing charged at him and spit out a deadly stream of fire, with every obvious intention to burn him to a crisp.

Kamek's worked with temperamental fire-breathing lizards before. Over nine of them, in fact. He knew from experience that regular magical blasts weren't going to save his skin in this situation. The wizard was forced to fall back on his next best ability. Raising his scepter, he fired his own stream of flames, countering Charizard's own.

Then the inevitable happened. Leaves, grass, and trees caught in the blast began to light up, flames slowly spreading and eating away at the foliage. But Kamek didn't care for that. As soon as he got the chance, he scrambled out of the trees and took to the air.


Re: SOMETIME IN THE EVENING blazinglizard May 15 2010, 09:42:56 UTC
Char was strangely slow to follow. At first, he ran mad circles in the limited space the forest provided, wings flapping frantically as he struck against the confining trees. Finally, he climbed up one, his tail leaving a trail of flaming destruction in its wake, and launched himself from one of the branches, dropping dangerously before his wings caught him.

There was a graceless sort of unsteadiness to his flight; every now and then his toes and the dangerous flame on the end of his tail would skim the treetops, furthering the spread of their carelessly-triggered blaze. Ungainly as he was, though, every inch of Char was focused on pursuing his prey. He let out another jet of flame, aiming at the tail of Kamek's broom.


Re: SOMETIME IN THE EVENING geometricmagic May 15 2010, 20:14:03 UTC
Kamek looked around to see if the creature was still following him. Charizard was still hot on his tail, although this time it had taken to using it wings to pursue him above the trees, leaving a blazing trail of fire as he went ( ... )


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