Off he goes! Search for BE-10!

Aug 26, 2009 13:50

Characters: King Boo, Hojita, Nester, Selene, Luigi, Pit, Nyx, and anyone who he happens to run into him in the hall.
What: King Boo is looking for his dorm room. He figures randomly flying through walls should get him there fast enough.
Where: Other people's dorm rooms, pretty much all over the place in the school.
When: August 26th, Afternoon
Rating: ( Read more... )

!rp log, lark/nester (pilotwings), kamek (mario), selene (panel de pon), nyx/gengar (pokemon), !open log, pit (kid icarus), king boo (mario), hojita/bulbmin (pikmin), luigi (mario), tails (sonic the hedgehog)

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Comments 109

ghostly_nyx August 27 2009, 01:07:18 UTC
Nyx fidgeted in her sleep, letting out a small sound of complaint- though who knows at what, considering she couldn't have heard King Boo's entry- and rolling over, to face the direction the other ghost had come in from.
There was a couple of moment's silence, before she frowned. Even in her sleep, something didn't quite feel right. One eye opened halfway, and she just stared at the ghost for a second or two before speaking.
"Who th'fuck are you?"


king_of_the_boo August 27 2009, 01:15:03 UTC
Aw.. Scaring opportunity ruined..

King Boo floated back a foot or so. "Aw man. Way to wake up and ruin the joke."

He let out a small cackle in hope that he could still make her nervous. "I'm King Boo- King of the Ghosts, the Mischievous Monarch, and Tyrant of Terrors!"

King Boo let his tongue slide out of his mouth while trying to make a frightening smile.


ghostly_nyx August 27 2009, 01:23:46 UTC
She continued to stare blankly at him, until he was done with his introduction. Once he'd finished, she pushed herself up into a sitting position, and yawned. "Sorry. Ain't the easiest person t'scare."
She leaned back on her arms, taking a second to study the ghost in front of her. Kinda looked like another Haunter, just.. less pointy. And less purple. Aw, and was he trying to be scary? How cute!

"Kinda odd t'see another ghost 'round here. You new?"

Nope. Sorry, you're just not getting a reaction from her.


king_of_the_boo August 27 2009, 01:30:59 UTC
King Boo inwardly twitched. How come she was so relaxed around him? She should be squealing! Or at least shaking. Was King Boo losing his touch?

She asked him if he was new. "Yeah, just got here the other day."

Wait, another ghost?

"There are other ghosts here?" The eagerness in King Boo's voice was obvious. He desperately hoped that there were more Boo here.


Here's where after leaving Nyx's room he runs into people in the hall: king_of_the_boo August 27 2009, 05:48:33 UTC
*doot doot floating at high speeds down the hall I sure hope he doesn't smash into anyone*


Re: Here's where after leaving Nyx's room he runs into people in the hall: geometricmagic August 27 2009, 06:24:52 UTC
doop de doo, here comes old man Kamek, walking down the hallway to do something that was really nobody's business (fetch pirahna plant food). Lately he'd been trying out his human form, because transforming from a Magikoopa to a person over five feet tall took some getting used to. Maybe SOME people would stop calling him short. He wasn't [em]short[/em]. So he uses the broom to get around a lot, but that wasn't the point.

As he turned around the corner, he didn't notice a certain crowned Boo floating at mach 5 in his direction.


Re: Here's where after leaving Nyx's room he runs into people in the hall: king_of_the_boo August 27 2009, 06:38:39 UTC
Woo hooo! Running down an old man in the intersection!!

King Boo saw the old guy too late.


King Boo hit the ground and rolled, his crown flying off and hitting the wall.
He got up, put his crown back on, and took a good look at who he ran down.

Hmmph. Some weird old wizard dude. Why did he seem so familiar...?

"Watch where you're going", he sneered.


Re: Here's where after leaving Nyx's room he runs into people in the hall: geometricmagic August 27 2009, 07:11:27 UTC
OW. The old wizard dude hit the the floor with a thud, landing on his bottom. He sat there momentarily reeling from the force of the blow. Gritting his teeth, he adjusted the blue cap in place and glared daggers at the punk who ran into him.

"Watch where I'm going? Watch where I'm going?!" he said, clearly annoyed. "I'm not the one flying through the hallways, you idiot!"


Now wandering into Hojita's room... king_of_the_boo September 3 2009, 03:58:49 UTC
King Boo flew through another wall and surveyed his surroundings. It appeared to be another girl's room and..

*here is where he comes face to face with Hojita*


Re: Now wandering into Hojita's room... bulbmin_glutton September 3 2009, 12:52:52 UTC
Hello King Boo, there is now a little Bulbmin girl staring straight at you with her big old eyes peering into your soul.

She quickly smiles from her position on the bed drawing and waves. "Hiiiii!!"


Re: Now wandering into Hojita's room... king_of_the_boo September 3 2009, 20:45:23 UTC
King Boo started a bit. Oh wait. It was just a little girl. Heh heh. Wait, why wasn't she afraid? Was everyone in this school not afraid of ghosts?

"Hey, why aren't you freaking out?" King Boo tried to make a scary face.


Re: Now wandering into Hojita's room... bulbmin_glutton September 3 2009, 21:01:31 UTC
Hojita only giggled at the attempt for a frightening face. "Because you're cute, person!!"

She crawled up to him on the bed and looked him over. He didn't look like any old Pokemon, but he could pass off for one, so she had to check. "Are you a ghost Pokemon?!"


Into Selene's room! king_of_the_boo September 3 2009, 22:46:19 UTC
King Boo hovered outside the door to another room. It wasn't his room number, but King Boo wanted to go in the room and scare the person within. After having been called cute by Hojita, and having not even bothered Nyx, he felt he was in the mood for someone screaming. He flew through the door.



Yay an excuse to use this horrible icon crescentpanels September 3 2009, 23:18:09 UTC
Selene wasn't that difficult to scare, for someone like her would not at all expect ghosts to reside her. That, and she wouldn't think that one would just pop out and go BOO! all of a sudden.

When she heard the Boo's call, she shrieked.

Congratulations, King Boo, you're the first person in the school Selene attempted to zap with her Star Stick.


Re: Yay an excuse to use this horrible icon king_of_the_boo September 3 2009, 23:45:56 UTC
AAAAAAA More magic peoples!

King Boo flew around the room in a frenzy trying to dodge the magical blasts.



Re: Yay an excuse to use this horrible icon crescentpanels September 3 2009, 23:47:42 UTC
Selene ceased in her attack and stared over at the little ghost. He was quite odd and different from how she'd expect one to look. Circular, glowing, and... with a crown? What in the world?

"Perhaps people would not be so quick to attack you if you weren't to frighten them that way," She stated matter-of-factly, still holding onto her stick in case the ghost made another move she didn't like.


Last but not least! Luigi's room! king_of_the_boo September 4 2009, 01:30:32 UTC
By now King Boo was becoming rather restless. At this rate, he wouldn't find his room EVER. He took one last guess and flew through a wall. Aha! This looked like a boys room! Wait a minute..



Re: Last but not least! Luigi's room! green_thundah September 4 2009, 02:02:52 UTC
Luigi screamed at the top of his lungs, running in any direction to escape King Boo, and, being as scared and confused as he was, ran straight into a wall.
Luigi got up and turned around to look at King Boo, staying up against the wall to stay as far away as possible from him. "K-King Boo?!" screamed Luigi, unable to think of anything else to say.


Re: Last but not least! Luigi's room! king_of_the_boo September 4 2009, 20:55:52 UTC
"EHEHEHEHEEE" King Boo began to float closer to Luigi.

"What's the matter WEEGE, not happy to see me?" he grinned.


Re: Last but not least! Luigi's room! green_thundah September 4 2009, 22:22:59 UTC
Luigi screamed at King Boo as he floated closer. "I'm warning you! I have the Poltergust! Stay away!!"

In reality, Luigi didn't really have the Poltergust. He left it at home, which he was beginning to regret.


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