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radical wind. Просто очень, вот, например, супер-текст:
Grooming / pimping into heterosexuality: politics of love pt II, а вот здесь ничего так игра "Spot the man"
Spot the man behind the man!.
"...men brainwash women into believing that a man wanting us is positive attention. Worse, we are persuaded that we can’t EXIST, be happy and whole if a man doesn’t want us. They conduct heavy brainwashing on girls and women to force the perspective that PIV isn’t rape but “sex”, that sexual harassment is “seduction”, “courting” and men owning us is “love”, “romance”. We are to actively seek men to want us and this should be at the centre of all our worries and activities. And no matter how violent he is when he wants us, it means he likes me. We should be grateful."
А вот отсюда
The butterflies, or unpeeling the politics of love Part I просто замечательно по пунктам расписано про прелесть первого засасывания в "ляпофь":
I “fell in love”, or so I thought. All I knew was that it was very intense, so I assumed THAT must be love! FINALLY!!
now, what exactly was it that I felt? My responses to first being “seduced” (chased) and kissed (physically invaded and held captive) by a man - and him wanting to see me again - included:
- blank in the mind
- not knowing what to say or do
- my heart racing
- sweating
- obsessive, invasive thoughts about him to the extent that it would prevent me from concentrating on other things or experiencing other things fully
- spending hours or a long time preparing what I would say to him before i’d see him
- nervousness
- insomnia
- those so-called “butterflies” in the stomach, that is, stomach tensions
- checking myself in the mirror and controlling my body appearance more obsessively than I would normally do, and being more afraid than usual of being ugly, not intelligent enough, or whatever
- Desperate waiting of signs of contact from his part. An email, a text, a phone call… checking my phone and emails obsessively and my heart dropping when nothing would come.
- A painful feeling of loss, separation, emptiness (that is, feeling empty, non-existent without his presence) and even of being ripped apart inside the chest. A sensation that would intensify in his absence or if he would be sadistically cold or distant, or after PIV or physical invasion.
- A constant state of scorching melancholia, varying in intensity. It is a state in which you are trapped between a perceived nothingness out there and the horror of your own solitude / emptyness in there (or what you are made to believe is solitude of the soul) so i’d drift melancholically outside of my body, begging silently to hook myself onto him (or someone else).
- Finding beautiful things in the man where there weren’t any.