Author sign-ups closed

Jun 30, 2012 23:21

I totally lost track of time.  We arrived in Florida on Thursday, and I'll blame that for discombobulating me.  Anyway, the 28th has come and gone, and with it the sign-up period for authors.  We have a nice round number of 30 writers, and such a variety of story ideas.

I'll do a couple of check-ins before the draft due date, and make a post for ( Read more... )


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Comments 4

seagull2eagle July 2 2012, 05:39:38 UTC
Heh - I must have passed you in the air! I just left Florida on Wednesday. Travel can seriously be both disorientating and also incredibly busy. Deadlines? What are those? ^^


twinsarein July 5 2012, 03:41:38 UTC
You were here for the fun weather, then. I hope your area didn't get hit too badly.

I have a love/hate relationship with deadlines. *g*


tubazrcool July 5 2012, 03:35:39 UTC
Is sv-sparks dead? The last posts there are from 2010/2011?


twinsarein July 5 2012, 03:42:37 UTC
Nope. It just isn't used very often. We only have a few dozen participants. The last post was for last year's big bang, and it hasn't been needed since then.


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