Artist claiming may begin - All Claimed!

Aug 26, 2011 00:11

Okay, below is the header information for each story I've been sent.  Artists, please comment wiht the number and title of the fic you'd like to do art for.  As stories are claimed, I'll cross them out.  However, it might be several hours before I am able to get the message, so check comments to make sure an uncrossed out story hasn't been claimed by someone else first.   Sign-ups by artists will last until all the stories have been claimed.  Stories are listed in no particular order.


Title: Boundaries of Life & Death

Characters/Pairing: Clex

Rating: R

Warnings: Profanity, violence, m/m sex, mpreg (Note to potential artist: I usually like to include a character death, but I haven't decided whether or not this fic will include one. If there is one, it will not be Clark or Lex.)

Summary: Lex is pregnant. That's the only good news. Lex is refusing to take it easy, which is causing Clark to be concerned for the health of his lover and their baby. The pregnancy ends up being harder on Lex than he is letting on. One day after Clark and Lex have a shouting match in which Lex strikes Clark, Lex goes out and gets into a car accident when he is run off the road by an angry former employee. (This may be the character that dies.) There is a brief period of time when the doctors aren't sure that Lex and the baby will make it, but they both end up making a full recovery. The moral of the story is that we never know when we may end up on the boundaries of life and death, so it's our responsibility to live each day to the fullest.


Title: The Singapore Sling

Characters/pairing: Chloe Sullivan/Clark Kent, also past Chloe Sullivan/George Dean and Clark Kent/Lois Lane

Rating: R

Warnings: language and sex

Summary: Six years ago, Chloe left her life in Metropolis behind to be a foreign correspondent for The Daily Planet in Singapore, making sure to keep her life as far from Clark and Lois's as possible. She settles into a quiet routine taking care of her son with George Dean, a secret service officer for the U.S. Embassy. When her son survives an explosion at the embassy that should have ripped him apart, her secrets come unraveled as does the reason Lois has never gotten fully down the aisle with Clark. Relationships degrade, alliances change, and suddenly Chloe has to deal with Clark back in her life and the son she'd tried and failed to keep hidden after a night of indiscretion. Everything would be much easier if they could be friends over it, but everything, as it always is, runs so much deeper---more intimate---with them...


Title: Unexpected Gifts

Characters/pairing: Clark/Chloe relationship, Lexana relationship, Lois/Ollie relationship

Rating: R

Warnings: sexual relations between consenting adults (non-explicit), mentions of abortion, canon medical torture of Chloe and her mother that happened in S6

Summary: Clark and Chloe's friendship blossoms into a fast and intense romance, and the two of them couldn't be happier, even in the midst of their changing personal relationships and involvement with the fledgling Justice League, and their dissolving friendships with with Lana Lang and Lex Luthor. However, an unintended pregnancy throws their lives into upheaval. Chloe struggles with the consequences of bringing a child into such a dangerous world, and Clark wonders if he can ever keep his family safe, as Lex descends deeper into dark and twisted projects driven by his obsession with the mystery of Clark Kent. (a little more info-- the story is an alternate retelling of Season 6 and the beginning of Season 7. Although it's clearly AU, most of the canon plotlines appear, with the exception of: Labyrinth, anything involving Clana reconciliation, Lana blowing up her clone, (but she does leave Lex) and Kara's arrival. The Phantom storyline is dealt with but no Bizarro-Clark.)


Title: Between Two Points

Characters/pairing: Chloe, Lex, Clark. Chloe/Lex as the main pairing, some Clark/Lana as they’re canon at the time. Rating: R

Warnings: The rating will probably stay at R, but there is a small chance it might go higher. Lots of angst?

Summary: An AU version of season five, where Chloe arrived late at the mansion in Commencement, changing her role in the story from hero’s confidant to devil’s advocate. Burdened with the knowledge of Clark’s secret and that he didn’t trust her enough to share it with her, Chloe can feel herself drifting farther and farther away from him. As her relationship with Clark gets harder, Chloe finds herself being drawn to Lex and that he’s suddenly taking the role in her life that Clark once held. But as things progress farther and friendship becomes something more, Chloe will have to decide whose side she’s on.


Title: Dammit, Fraser! This Wasn't in the Handout...

Characters/pairing: Lex/Clark; Benton/RayK

Rating: Nc-17 for safetly

Warnings: Crossover, AU

Summary: Smallville/Due South Crossover. You know, Conventions are supposed to be boring, mind-numbing events where you scoff at stupidity and play hang-man while they teach you something you figured out years ago. They're not supposed to involve finding a Baby Guide protecting his drugged Sentinel from a speeding car and seeing said speeding car crumple because Baby Guide stopped it with his hands. This was so not in the manual. Any of them.


Title: Written in the Stars

Characters/Pairings: Chlollie, JL

Rating: PG-13

Warnings: AU, mild and implied violence, slight adult language

Summary: Green Arrow finds himself enchanted by a young woman, saving the world from her tower in the center of the city. Their attraction is swift and undeniable. But a jealous enemy in the form of Tess Mercer, threatens their happiness when she discovers that the man who once broke her heart has fallen in love.


Title: Aquadisiac

Characters/Pairing: Cordelia Chase/Arthur Curry

Rating: NC-17

Warnings: Strong violence.

Summary: A random kiss from a pretty brunette lands Arthur Curry and the gang in a world of vampire detective agencies, a demon-run auction and ugly gray blobby things.


Title: Bridges I Have Burned

Characters/pairing: Clark/Lex

Rating: R to possible NC-17

Warnings: None, that I can think of. Maybe some violence and oblique Lana-bashing?

Summary: My story is inspired by a movie from a couple of years ago, called The Invisible. Bascially, during the events of Mortal, instead of going with Chloe to find out about the serum that the meteor mutants want him to steal, they take Clark themselves. When he keeps insisting that he's not super and that he can't help them, the leader of the gang, Lee, gets very angry and viciously assaults him. They think he's dead so they hide his body. (Clue: he's not really dead, cause he's an alien, haha!) Clark becomes a ghost-like figure, able to see his family and friends but they can't see or hear him. The only one who can sense him for some reason is Lex. They can't completely communicate, but each learns something from the other, and one of the things that Clark learns is that Lex is attracted to him. To his surprise, he's not repulsed by this, and admits to himself that he's always been fascinated with Lex in return. Eventually, they are able to find Clark's body and Lex brings him to the mansion. Unfortunately, Clark 'dies', but then I veer back towards canon where Jor-El/Lionel steals his body away to the Fortress and restores his powers. When he comes back to Smallville, fully powered once again, he and Lex have a long overdue discussion, which I am pretty sure will result in sex, hehe. For the artist who illustrates my story, one of the scenes I have planned is Lex masturbating (shirtless, while thinking of Clark, of course) while the ghostly Clark is intrigued by watching. He will move right behind Lex, and try to whisper in his ear. Even though Lex can't see him, and can only barely feel Clark's presence, he will know Clark is there and will be very turned on by the whole thing. If you could do that scene, I would be thrilled beyond compare! Rating is up to you, if you choose to illustrate this part.


Title: Young, Just Us (working title. Maybe)

Characters/pairing: Ensemble; Gen with some Clois and Chlollie

Rating: pg-15

Warnings: Violence, child abuse, self-harm/mutilation, bullying, (references to past) rape/underage sex/forced prostitution

Summary: Slade Wilson is back, naming himself Deathstroke the Terminator, and he has kidnapped Lois and Chloe. With the Justice League out of communication, it's up to Conner (Superboy) and Mia (Speedy) to rescue them, with a little help from Blue Beetle, Aqualad and Miss Martian. It's a race against the clock for the teen heroes to rescue Chloe and Lois as well as crack the mystery behind Deathstroke's dangerous sidekick, Ravager.


Title: When I Was Lost

Characters/pairing: Clark/Lex, Clark/Bruce, Clark/Eric, Clark/Claude

Rating: NC-17

Warnings: prostitution, no-con, needle play, breath-play, humiliation, reference to character death (Martha, John), underage (but not extreme)

Summary: What the story is about: Smallville is basically leveled by tornadoes; Clark 's family is wiped out. He has no one to turn to so he leaves for Metropolis. He falls into prostitution. By the time we catch up with him in the fic, he's been doing this for a while. He suffers guilt for surviving the disaster, hates that he's basically invulnerable, save for greenK. (yes, the greenK in Lana's necklace, all he has of his former life.) To make the guilt bearable, he indulges in dangerous series of S/M like activities. He's approached one night by a man who takes charge of Clark 's life, more or less. He's not a pimp but he introduces Clark to clients whose special needs Clark can take care of. He ends up with four steady clients at this man's urging, and leaves the streets for good. Eric: the client who stops him on the street and convinces him to change his lifestyle. Eric's kink is needles. He tags Clark and photographs him. Bruce: Bruce's kink is underage guys-ages 14 to 17. ( Clark is 19, 20 at this point) He's willing to role-play rather than indulge in sex with an actual underage boy. Slight daddy kink. Claude: Claude just likes to hurt Clark in various ways, various kinks. In the fic, he has Clark pretend to be a sexdoll, has violent sex with Clark in bondage. Lex: Lex offers to buy Clark for a month. Clark agrees. He's never ever done that with anyone before. The longest he's stayed with a client is Eric and that only a weekend. He's instantly attracted to Lex, as Lex is to him. Of course, they hate each other….


Title: We Got The Beat

Characters/pairing: Clark/fake!Lana, fake!Cheerleader/fake!Cheerleader, fake!Whitney/fake!Chloe, one-sided Clark/Lana, Whitney/Lana, one-sided Everyone/Clark, hinted at Cheerleader/Cheerleader, eventually will be Clark/Chloe. (subject to change)

Rating: FRT, for sexuality, slash and femmeslash, and some adult humor (the rating is subject to change, depending on how much sexuality and adult humor I cram into this fic before it’s finished)

Warnings: mild sexuality, some adult humor

Summary: Clark Kent is just an ordinary human boy. In high school, there was no Krypton, no meteor freaks, no Jor-El. There was just cheerleading. Or, that fic where Clark decides to be the Prettiest Cheerleader Ever To Win His Dream Girl, Learned A Life-Lesson, and Realized What Was In Front Of Him All Along.


Title: Bleeding Kansas

Characters/pairing: Clark/Lex, Jonathan/Martha, Chloe/Lana

Rating: R

Warnings: (Ch. 1: Implied whipping; Ch. 10: Homophobic comments; Ch. 15 & 25: Homophobic slurs; Ch. 25: Whipping, Ch. 25 & 26: Violence; Ch. 26: Homophobia, Fire victim)

Summary: Even in Smallville, mysterious sparkling lights and wailing voices are strange. Are they all connected to the ruins of the house on Stone Hill, the blackened chimney a silent sentinel throughout the decades?


Title: Agenda

Pairing: Chlark

Rating: NC-17 (mostly PG-13)

Warnings: None; characters involved in NC-17 activities are over 16

Summary: More than a decade after the Doomsday Rampage, Clark makes a shocking discovery that changes his life forever. (Futurefic; follows Season 8’s Injustice & Failsday Doomsday)


Title: Growing Up Kent

Characters/pairing: Lex/Clark

Rating: PG (though it might stray to R)

Warnings: Totally AU

Summary: A sequel to my SV BigBang 2010 story where Lex and Clark grow up at the Kent farm in Smallville exploring and learning about Clark's heritage and following the clues to discover what led to Lillian Luthor's demise and who plans to keep Lex Luthor from claiming his birthright.


Title: Lost in Transition

Characters/pairing: Clark, Lex (Clex), Martha, Jonathan, Lionel, Jor-El, OMC

Rating: NC-17

Warnings: Lex whump, references to prostitution, drug use, and criminal behavior, rough sex, borderline triggery sex, strangulation (non-erotic), abusive parents (Jor-El & Lionel), Clark is eighteen instead of sixteen, spoilers to S3:1 Exile, but that's about it.

Summary: Official version - When Clark disappeared instead of standing as Lex's best man for his wedding to Helen, it gave Lex the strength to realize that Helen wasn't what he wanted in life. He dumped Helen and then went after Clark to find out what was wrong. Unfortunately by the time he got to the Kent farm it was already too late. Tracking Clark down and setting things right took Lex in directions he'd never expected, especially since the boy he'd known seemed to have changed into someone else entirely. Unofficial version: After Clark blows up his spaceship and disappears into Metropolis' seamier side Lex tracks him through a series of pictures that chronicle Clark's transition from small town farm boy into something much more wild and dangerous. Getting Clark back from the lifestyle he's chosen results in Lex being half-killed, getting Kryptonian powers and then dealing with both of their fathers in near-death confrontations that change everything for both Clark and Lex.


Title: Spooky Stuff

Rating: PG-13

Pairing/Genre: Gen, pre-Clex

Author’s Notes/Warning/Disclaimer/Spoilers: Hurt/Comfort. Spoilers up through 1x14 (Zero), with mild references up through late season 5. Not mine, not-for-profit.

Summary: Storms, spectres, soap, and the stuff of friendship. Oh, and spaceships and secrets. (Oops.)


Title: The Night Things Changed

Characters/pairing: Chloe, Oliver, Justice League, Martha, J’onn J’onzz, Tess, JSA, No pairings

Rating: PG maybe an R

Warnings: stylised violence (hehehe), spoilers for Roulette, it’s goes AU from there but uses some of Checkmate and the Red Queen storylines :D

Summary: After the devastating events of Doomsday Chloe doesn’t feel like she can continue on with the life she has been living. She restores Oliver to his status as the Green Arrow and then leaves, hoping to come to terms with what had happened. Little did she know that she would discover a path that would make her into the hero she always dreamed to be.

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