Title: Subjugation Is Its Own Reward
sketchydean Pairing: Sam/Dean, established
Rating: NC-17
Wordcount: 11,700
Warnings: Spoilers for episode 12.07 “Rock Never Dies”
Author’s Note: Not my characters, only my words. Written for the
spn casefic bang 2017. Manzana is apple in Spanish. For pictures of the BIltmore
check this article out. Title from the lyrics in “Bloody Messiah” - the Vince Vicente song written for the episode. Thank you for the excellent and very helpful beta,
Museaway. Many thanks to
sketchydean or the beautiful artwork.
Summary: After surviving their confrontation with Lucifer in Los Angeles, the brothers stick around for a hunt that Dean has always wanted to look into at a historic downtown hotel.
Art Masterpost Part 1 ``~~``
Part 2 ``~~``
Part 3 Read it over
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