Fic Title: Ensnared
smalltrolven Artist:
saintsammy Pairing: Sam/Dean established, past Dean/Benny
Rating: NC-17
Wordcount: 9,580
Characters: Dean, Sam, Benny, Original Female Character
Warnings: Mild blood drinking, set vaguely post season 12 so beware of spoilers.
Author’s Note: Not my characters, only my words. Written for the 2017
spn-reversebang inspired by
saintsammy s intriguing art and prompt. Thank you for the great beta work,
jerzcaligrl it was really helpful.
Summary: Jack has taken off, their mom is still gone, and Dean is spinning out with inaction. Sam suggests a non-dangerous diversion to scavenge through the remains of the British Men of Letters’ trailer for equipment and information. Sam comes across the Brit’s recent research on vampires and Benny’s name pops up.
Art Masterpost is here
Read it
over on AO3 **
Chapter 1 **
Chapter 2 **
Chapter 3 **
Chapter 4**