Title: Doesn’t Matter What I Remember
smalltrolven Artist:
stargazingchola Pairing: Sam/Dean
Rating: R
Word-count: 10,613
Warnings: None, spoilers for episode 12.11 “Regarding Dean.”
Author’s Note: Not my characters only my words. Idea from a random “i
magine your otp” tumblr post. Written for the 2017 wincest-bigbang. Thank you so much
stargazingchola you were the best to work with and I'm so excited for everyone to get to enjoy your art.
Summary: Maybe it’s because they both almost lost each other again. That’s part of what makes Dean do it, but mostly it’s the essay he read in a magazine in the laundromat. Sometimes the right words find you just when you need to read them.
Art Masterpost:
LJ and
Tumblr Read story over
on AO3 here ~*~
Chapter 1 ~*~
Chapter 2~*~
Chapter 3 ~*~