Author Sign-Up

Sep 01, 2011 07:36

Author sign-ups are now closed.


~Stories must be at least 10,000 words long. There is no maximum length.
~Stories may be gen, het or slash.
~Stories must be fictional person fiction only; this challenge does not include real person fiction.
~Stories must be in a verified small fandom.
~Stories must not be posted anywhere on the web prior to posting date.
~Stories must be complete and new - no WIPs or previously posted work will be accepted.
~AUs are allowed; crossovers between small fandoms are allowed.
~Authors may also sign-up to do art, but not for his/her own fic.
~Authors may sign-up to write more than one fic, and/or to co-write a fic. Please read the FAQ before doing so as there are limits to the number of fic you can sign up to write.
~If you choose to sign up for more than one solo fic, please sign up in separate comments.
~If you choose to co-write fic, please only sign up once and list both usernames.

Please read the FAQ for all the rules and information before you sign up.


Author Sign-ups: September 1, 2011 - October 31, 2011
Artist Sign-ups: September 1, 2011 - January 31, 2012
Check-In #1: November 1, 2011
Check-In #2: December 1, 2011
Check-In #3: January 1, 2012 [This one is mandatory!]
Rough Draft (of at least 8,000 words or 80% complete) Due: January 31, 2012
Artist Claiming: February 7, 2012 - February 13, 2012
Matching Reveal: February 14, 2012
Final Drafts (Fic & Art) Due: March 31, 2012
Posting Begins: April 5, 2012

To sign up, please comment below with the following information; we’ll let you know once we have verified your small fandom(s).

LJ username:
Author name:
Contact Info: (PM or e-mail: if e-mail, include it here)
Fandom(s) you expect to write in: (This is required so that we may verify that the fandom(s) you have chosen are small. Please only list the two or three fandoms you will most likely write in for this challenge.)

ETA: Dear Authors, We love you, but you’re killing us here! *g* Please do not list every single small fandom you’ve ever considered writing in. Rather, list the two or three fandoms you are most likely to write in for this challenge. If you decided down the line that you’d rather write in another small fandom, you may contact us at that time to have it verified. Thank you.

Thank you for signing up! If you have any questions that aren’t answered in the FAQ, please leave them here.

[r] 01, author sign-up

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