The Princess Birthday Ball

Jun 13, 2006 16:56

The huge, white tent sprawls on the lawn beside the lake. It has been transfigured there for a very special occasion. A stone walkway leads from the bar to the tent - the pavements are wide enough that ladies' dresses won't trail on the ground as they make their way to the entrance. Over the draped curtains of the entrance way is a large banner ( Read more... )


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Greet the birthday girl smallestopener May 13 2006, 23:05:38 UTC
Ingress waves happily at every guest. Everyone looks so nice and everyone's smiling, and this is the best day ever!


a_lioness May 14 2006, 00:02:31 UTC
It amuses Alanna that of all the people she has tried to think of gifts for, the idea for Ingress' comes the most easily. She has been waiting for this moment since her young friend mentioned it several weeks ago.

With a wide smile, she stops directly before Ingress and curtsies deeply - without wobbling, even! She's been practicing.

There's a parcel tucked under her arm.

"Happy birthday, Princess Ingress!"


smallestopener May 14 2006, 03:57:03 UTC
"Alanna, hi!" She hugs Alanna and then gives her a curtsey in return. She does wobble a bit, but not too much, and when she rises up, she beams. "You look so pretty."


a_lioness May 14 2006, 12:43:07 UTC
"Many thanks, but I hardly hold a candle to you. I'm ever so glad I could make it this year."

Inpatient, she thrusts the present into Ingress' hands, grinning. Although it is wrapped in simple cloth, inside is a scarlet and gold court gown with gold braid about the waist and sleeves, made to fit Ingress. The odd thing about this dress, however, is the split skirt designed for riding.

Underneath the dress is a scroll. It had been remarkably easy to wrangle a formal court invitation addressed to Princess Ingress from their Royal Majesties King Jonathan of Tortall and Princess Thayet.


smallestopener May 14 2006, 16:41:26 UTC
"Me too. It's going to be fun - even funner than last year!"

She reads the carefully and her eyes widen. "Is this your king? Oh, but Alanna, I'm not a real princess. I'm just pretending. Will he mind if I come anyway?"


a_lioness May 14 2006, 16:56:00 UTC
"He knows," she assures Ingress with a smile. "However, I asked that the invitation match the spirit of the party. It doesn't matter if you're a princess or not. In fact, Thayet would likely argue about her own title. You're my friend, and as such, you are always welcome."

She nods firmly.

"If you want to go with me to the palace sometime, that is."


smallestopener May 14 2006, 22:56:37 UTC
"I do, I do! Can Megwyn come, too?"

She smiles back at Megwyn who is standing in the background in her finest bridle (bitless, of course) of plaited blue leather.


a_lioness May 15 2006, 01:24:40 UTC
"Naturally!" Alanna smiles and inclines her head to Megwyn. "Stefan will take good care of her, and we can take her to see the royal forest."


smallestopener May 15 2006, 02:29:11 UTC
"Then we shall go."

She beams at the scroll. "Thanks, Alanna."


a_lioness May 15 2006, 02:48:20 UTC
"You are most welcome."

A quick glance around, and Alanna leans down to kiss Ingress' forehead.

"I shall leave you be for the moment. You have many people anxious to speak with you." She grins, gesturing to the crowd. "Perhaps later we can show everyone that dance I taught you last year."


smallestopener May 15 2006, 02:55:34 UTC
She gives her another hug. "I've been practicing it so we have to. See you later, Alanna!"


a_lioness May 15 2006, 03:04:35 UTC
"Farewell, lass."

Alanna melts back into the crowd, intent on finding cake.


Re: Greet the birthday girl prince_arithon May 14 2006, 01:16:59 UTC
Arithon pulled out all the stops.

No, really. All the stops. He's in tunic, and hose, with jewelry everywhere. He's even traded his boots for a pair of dancing shoes from his when and where.

To make matters perfect? He's wearing his crown. Not something that he does every day, or month. Heck, he goes years without putting it on, but for Ingress? Its on.

He's also got a small box, wrapped up in green.


Re: Greet the birthday girl smallestopener May 14 2006, 03:57:58 UTC
"Wow, Arithon," she says, her eyes wide. "I didn't know you had a crown. You look just like a king from a story!"


Re: Greet the birthday girl prince_arithon May 14 2006, 04:00:30 UTC
"I am a prince."

He says mildly,

"Tier's'Ffalenn is a way of saying prince s'Ffalenn."

Sort of. It gets complicated. He hands her the box, with a smile,

"And so I dressed the part for you."


Re: Greet the birthday girl smallestopener May 14 2006, 04:03:19 UTC
"Tee-air-suh-Fall-en," she repeats, trying hard to get the words right. She takes the box and curtseys. "I thank you, Sir, for this token of friendship," she says, very properly. Then she giggles. "Can I open it?"


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