Dec 08, 2010 12:14

Title: Happy Home
Fandom: Smallville
Pairings/Characters: Bart/Oliver
Rating: G
Disclaimer: all characters belong to CW/DC Comics
Word Count: 406
Spoilers/Warnings: none, except cuteness
Summary: Bart’s musings on Christmas at home
Author's Notes; I hope you all like it, I really loved writing it.

Prompt: Family

Bart enjoyed Christmas, to be honest he loved it. When he was very young he remembered how his mom had sung Christmas Carols and baked cookies and his dad had taken him with him to cut the tree.
After the accident and him leaving home, he had stopped having Christmas in America.

He had celebrated it all over the world more than once - that was one of the perks of being Flash.

One of his favorite places was France.
At one time he had met a very sweet, young dark-haired woman that had invited him home to celebrate Christmas with her and her husband, when she found out that he was alone in France.
It had been a great experience and Bart had laughed and complimented the Christmas tree. It was a lovely “Christmas in space” red tree that matched him perfectly.

Some Christmases he visited two or three countries on one night, making him feel a little like Santa Claus, and well, he was wearing red.

With his eating habits he enjoyed all the different food in each country, and the amounts of it that seemed to be unending.

The thought of food was the one that jostled him of his musings.
He could smell the three turkeys cooking in the kitchen of the house - their house.
Oliver had insisted that they celebrated their first Christmas as a couple together in America, and to be honest it hadn’t been that hard for him to persuade Bart.
Oliver was playing dirty, always asked the most important questions or told the most important things while using his tongue in the most amazing ways on Bart.

So here he was on Christmas morning, in a beautiful house that belonged to him and Oliver, while also serving as the headquarter for the Justice League.
The entire League were all coming to celebrate Christmas here, being each others family as they were.

Looking around the living room, he smiled as he eyed the large Christmas tree in the corner, the presents under it neatly wrapped.
Thanks to his special abilities he had gotten each member of the league exactly what the wanted for Christmas, throwing in a pair of designer fins for Aqua Man as a gag gift.

Bart smiled to himself as he walked into the kitchen and wrapped his arms around Oliver.
This was what the Christmas spirit was all about.
Being together - being family.

[pairing] - bollie, [pairing] - bart/oliver, [character] - oliver queen/green arrow, [fanfic] - one shot, [character] - bart allen/impulse, [rating] - pg, [fanfic] - advent calendar

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