Title: Cupid’s Arrow Fandom: Smallville Pairing: Oliver/Lex Rating: PG-13 Word Count: 479 Prompt: for the smallearth Valentine's Challenge, Team Oliver Queen - Cupid (Day 16th) Summary: Why is Ollie still sparing his worst enemy life?
Thank you so much my Kastanje Honey!!♥ That one was really a challenge for me but I wanted to try to write somethign different so I'm just happy and proud to know that you like it!^^ Hot? Isn't it? *grins* *LOVE YOU*♥
Comments 4
I liked it very much;)
That one was really a challenge for me but I wanted to try to write somethign different so I'm just happy and proud to know that you like it!^^
Hot? Isn't it? *grins*
I'm happy you like it!
Lex definitely is...weird! And Ollie so should know XD
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