Advent Calendar December 15th

Dec 15, 2008 18:50

Title : First Christmas Together
Day : December 15th
Prompt : Christmas Tree
Pairings / Characters : Clark/Ollie
Rating : M

***This is a one shot for the Advent Calender on smallearth. Please enjoy. It can also be read as a stand alone in my AQD series.***

First Christmas

The soft glow of Christmas lights was the only illumination in the room. In the background, Christmas music played softly lending to the peacefulness that pervaded the area. Carefully placed decorations added to the holiday spirit and the soft scent of fresh pine drifted from the corner where the newly decorated Christmas tree stood.

Sighing in contentment, the blonde settled more deeply into his lover's embrace, reveling in the feel of warm skin and toned muscles surrounding him. Nothing had been said in several minutes as they both gazed from their places on the couch at the scene before them.

Softly, the brunette placed a kiss on his boyfriend's head before breaking the silence. “Penny for your thoughts.”

Chuckling softly, he shook his head. “Just glad Tyler's out in California right now because he'd never let us live this down.”

“So you're not mad at him for not telling you where he was going to spend time with his friend even though Bryan doesn't want him traveling yet?”

“Considering it's only for a few days, I know his friend is not going to let him do anything stupid and it's the holidays, no. That doesn't mean that he will get off easy when he comes home though.”

“Then what were you thinking on so hard about a few minutes ago?”

“Us. A month ago, because of RL 65, I wasn't sure that we'd still be together for Christmas. Now, being here with you, it just feels right.”

“It would take more than you being stupid and using an experimental drug to make me break up with you. Considering the fact that I can't think of anything that would, besides maybe you cheating on me and lying about it, I think it's safe to say you're not getting rid of me anytime soon.” He rested his chin on Oliver's head. “And you know that we still have a few days before it's actually Christmas itself love.”

“I know, but then we'll be at the farm with your mom, Tyler and Chloe. Right now, it's just us, the music and the lights from our first Christmas tree.” He sighed again. “It's perfect and something that I look forward to doing each year with you.”

Looking at the tree, Clark couldn't help but smile. It might be his first Christmas without his dad, but he'd gained a soul mate and a little brother. He could definitely see himself doing this for years to come with the man in his arms.

“Merry Christmas, Ollie.” He leaned forward, resting his cheek against the older man's.

The blonde turned his head slightly, one arm reaching up to wrap around the brunette's neck as he took possession of his lover's mouth. Only when they both needed air did Ollie pull back before turning around in his lover's arms and holding him close.

“Merry Christmas, Clark.” Leaning forward, he captured his love's mouth once more, pushing him back into the couch. “And now, it's time for me to unwrap a present early.” Grinning down at the man beneath him, brown eyes met green, both filled with love and promises of more days and years to come. Closing the gap between them, he started to work on his 'present'.

***Does refer to a few events from Rage and I'm still working on the Rage re-write. I've been sick lately and just starting to get back into the swing of things. Please bear with me.***

[pairing] - clark/oliver, [character] - oliver queen/green arrow, [pairing] - collie, [fanfic] - one shot, [prompts], [character] - clark kent/boyscout/superm, [fanfic] - advent calendar

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