Advent Calendar Fic: Let It Snow (Clark/Oliver)

Dec 07, 2008 23:31

Title: Let It Snow
Day: 7
Prompt: Snowflake
Pairings/Characters: Clark/Oliver, Lana, Chloe
Rating: PG-13


She watched them from under the warmth of Lex’s arm his hand stroking her cashmere clad shoulder. It was cold, freezing almost but Lex’s didn’t show that he felt it at all.

They didn’t either.

Dark head pressed against light. They made a stunning contrast but they were both so beautiful. Clark Kent and Oliver Queen. They were standing too close together and no one could miss what they meant to one another.

Not that they were hiding it.

The snow was falling on thick waves now obscuring her vision and Lex’s arm tightened even more around her.


They had been at a meeting with Lionel Luthor of all people. The only she knew that would bring such a volatile group together give the fact that Clark and Lex were definitely not getting along, Lana and Clark didn’t speak to each other anymore, and Lex appeared to hate Oliver Queen.

He had wanted to discuss some kind of business deal with Oliver and Lex and Lana had come with Lex while to no one but Lana and Lex’s surprise Clark had come with Oliver. They made no apologies about their relationship, certainly no explanations.

Chloe was there because she was the press and had connections to several people in the room. It had been a coop she wasn’t even close to deserving yet but she had taken it.

Things had been going well when the electricity had gone out and they had been forced to evacuate outside into the freezing snow.

Clark and Oliver had stood together and Oliver’s arm had slipped around Clark’s waist and he was leaning his head on the Kryptonians shoulder whispering something in his ear that had him smiling.

Snow was falling on them but they didn’t seem to mind.

Clark and Oliver

They didn’t notice the snow. Not really. Clark always ran warmer than usual and Oliver was close enough to share that warmth. To bask in it. It melted across their skin and snowflakes clung to their eyelashes. Oliver’s breath was warm against Clark’s skin and the younger man closed his eyes just feeling the other man against him.

It was safe.

It was real.

It was as close to peace as either had ever come and they never wanted it to end.

[pairing] - clark/oliver, [character] - oliver queen/green arrow, [character] - lana lang, [prompts], [character] - clark kent/boyscout/superm, [fanfic] - advent calendar, [character] - chloe sullivan/watchtower

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