3nd-Dec-2008 - ADVENT CALENDAR - December 3nd

Dec 03, 2008 18:38

Title : The art of choosing the perfect present (or not...).
Day : 3
Prompt : Gift
Pairing : AC/Victor
Rating : NC-15 ??? (I’m still not very good at the whole rating thing…:/)
Disclamer : Not mine as far as I know !
Warning : slash & stupidity!
Note : FIRST FIC EVER IN ENGLISH (so it’s probably horrible and I'm sorry for it!!! XD)

-Dude! A duck?! Exclaimed Ollie, disbelief clearly audible in his voice.
And if Clark’s face was any indication, he was as stunned as their leader.

-It’s not a duck! Well… at least, it’s not only a duck, it’s a vibrating massager duck!

Clark made a strange chocked, strangled little sound, and AC couldn’t tell if it was a laugh or a cry. Maybe both.

-Correct me if I’m wrong, started Ollie, but weren’t you supposed to find a nice gift for Victor? You remember Victor right? Very hot guy with a thing for computers and, according to you, your beloved boyfriend?!

-I thought it was fun… shrugged AC, and it kinda made up for what I get him for his birthday.

-Do we want to know? winced Clark sending an anguished glance to Ollie who just put on his best “Don’t ask me unless it’s a life or death situation mate” face.

-Probably not. frankly answered AC with a small awkward smile.

The three of them stared at the yellow duck (with consternation for two of them and still slightly proudly for the last one) for some time before Ollie spoke again.

-Well, go for the duck then! But AC, trust me, the next time you go shopping for a present for you boyfriend, please, don’t go with Bart!

AC wondered if he should be worried when Clark nodded frantically in approval…


(And if anyone is interested, the duke really exist XD)

[character] - justice league, [fanfic] - drabble, [pairing] - ac/victor, [fanfic] - advent calendar, [character] - ac/aquaman

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