Yes, Survivor notes. But first, guys, I'm so flattered.
Look at this. Aka click me. Isn't that sweet and amazing? I almost started crying. The fact that someone likes my style enough to imitate it is all I've ever strove for with my writing. That's incredible. And she did a good job. :)
Ok, now Survivor notes. B/c
your_nonentity is getting bored. :p
Survivor:Fiji - 05/10/07 )
Comments 6
I love closeups of Rocky and Mookie too. Alex didn't look too bad either. I like him better shaven.
I'll probably put my rant and shit up tomorrow. I put up Shear Genius stuff earlier. I thought some of the things I said there were kinda funny. Not to mention, I talked a little about Survivor. Just a little.
Yeah, I was thinking the same thing about Alex. Too bad he's kind of a douchebag. :p But Mookie. *drools*
Ha, yes, I did see that. We have yet to properly comment war on that, but yeah, I might not be so into it. The only show that's really making me go crazy is NCIS at the moment. :/ Hopefully that changes this summer with TC3, omg.
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