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Comments 16

calmnla January 31 2019, 21:32:53 UTC

Congratulations!!! Best of luck!


slytherincesss February 2 2019, 00:57:49 UTC
Thank you! I'm glad I raised a competent, autonomous son :)


gmth February 1 2019, 00:43:19 UTC
It's so bittersweet, isn't it? I remember when my son left for college, it used to make me cry to see moms in the grocery store with their kids. I got so jealous, like, "Why do they get to have their kids with them and I don't??" That was over 5 years ago now, and while the acuteness of missing him has faded, it's still chronic. It has never gone away completely. :(


slytherincesss February 2 2019, 01:08:48 UTC
Yes, bittersweet is the perfect word for it. I remember when my daughter was one, and Hunter was a newborn, I was having a post-partum freak out, thinking I couldn't handle two kids so close in age, and if I could just make it until they were in school, I would be okay and the anxiety would go away. Well, the anxiety went away after a few weeks and now both my kids are grown and one has flown away. It's so poignant! My daughter will be with us for a while, because of her special needs, and I am selfishly glad for that.


lijahlover February 1 2019, 00:52:49 UTC
It is a sad time but we prepare for this moment. It does ease up but that I miss them has not left me. My son is 24 and daughter 22. We are empty nesters. My grandson is a joy always.


slytherincesss February 2 2019, 01:15:44 UTC
How old is your grandson now? I remember when your daughter was first pregnant with him (it is your daughter who had your grandson, right?). I'm glad to hear that the pain can ease up - right now that seems impossible, but I know time can heal wounds of the heart.


lijahlover February 2 2019, 02:07:52 UTC
That annon comment was me.


slytherincesss February 3 2019, 04:32:01 UTC
I figured!


piperki February 1 2019, 12:20:45 UTC

They must be amazing to see your kids grow up happy and healthy, and then to just be able to be normally sad about it! Good for Hunter. He’ll do great.


slytherincesss February 2 2019, 01:29:45 UTC
I am grateful that they are happy and healthy, yes, and there is that part of me that is very proud of Hunter for going out on his own. But I'm just going to miss him so much :( But you're right -- I think he'll do great.

I'm so SO glad to hear from you and want very much to catch up. I want to hear what's going on in your life. You can ping me on Google -- I'm still slytherincess@gmail.com.



enchanted_jae February 2 2019, 05:14:22 UTC

Of course, it will be sad for you when he leaves, but this is what you've been preparing him for. You done good, mom!


slytherincesss February 3 2019, 04:33:53 UTC
I keep trying to remind myself of that. He came home just a while ago to get a few things and I didn't cry, so I think I'm making progress :)


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