|| SO ... WHAT'S THE DEAL-I-O? ||

Apr 12, 2017 00:14

Has everyone migrated to Dreamwidth in light of the anti-LGBTQ stance Livejournal has taken, considering its new TOS. Man, I clicked "Yes" and agreed with the new TOS without even reading it. I don't mind moving over to Dreamwidth; the only thing is that I house over 1600 pictures on my slytherincesss account. I could always use LJ to host pics and link to them ( Read more... )

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Comments 18

cryptaknight April 12 2017, 10:46:28 UTC
I'm still here. But I do also have a DW account under the same handle, and I backed up my LJ there at least until December of 2016.


slytherincesss May 1 2017, 09:05:20 UTC
I'm pretty sure I have you friended over at DW, but I'll be sure to double check. Is there a tutorial somewhere about backing up LJ to DW? Also: <3 <3 <3 !


tryslora April 12 2017, 12:09:10 UTC
DW has been my primary (crossposting here) for a long time. I'm considering pulling content from here (but not deleting), at least just because I'm technically illegal and all according to them. But I haven't done that yet, since I think they have far bigger political fish to fry. But yeah. The new TOS are NOT GOOD.


slytherincesss May 1 2017, 10:03:43 UTC
Aww, honey, you'll never be illegal to me <333 Yeah, I just asked Cryptaknight about tutorials for backing up LJ to DW. Man, I'm going to have to blow the dust off my DW journal -- it's been years! I'll make sure you're friended there -- same name?


tryslora May 1 2017, 15:20:29 UTC
Yep, I'm tryslora everywhere. Very consistent. :)


(The comment has been removed)

slytherincesss May 1 2017, 10:04:53 UTC
Do you know how to transfer LJ to DW? I'd like to do that. I'll make sure I have you friended over there <3


doctor_jehane April 12 2017, 23:44:19 UTC
I am thinking to delete my writing journal, and leave this one, the personal lj, which doesn't contain any content of any concern, being filled, as it is, with straight cis sweetness and light ;)

If you were so inclined, come find me on dw - I'm iberiandoctor over there!


slytherincesss May 1 2017, 10:10:02 UTC
I had a writing journal for a while, many years ago, but I kept forgetting to update it! Anyway, there's a place for straight cis sweetness -- I've written it myself :)

I will definitely add you over at DW, but more importantly how is it that I don't have you friended here? We've conversed many times -- I assumed I had you friended! I'll be adding you ASAP. I can't resist someone who likes cis fic AND Les Miserables! :)


doctor_jehane May 2 2017, 00:40:00 UTC
I vaguely think we know each other from American Idol and/or the 2010 aubigbang? something like, anyway? I'm Jay, a lawyer who lives in South East Asia.

And, lol, my straight cis self does read (and write) hetfic and fluff, which is fine under TOS. Inasmuch as the questionable slash and kink resides on my separate writing journal, this can be easily hived off since I've now backed it up to DW. I'll be sad to see it go, but the world changes, you know?


enchanted_jae April 12 2017, 23:57:36 UTC
I'm enchanted_jae at DW, and I've added you there.


slytherincesss May 1 2017, 10:11:22 UTC
When I get my shit together and actually blow the dust off my DW journal, I will absolutely make sure to add you <333


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