Feb 02, 2014 10:19

This probably isn't news to anyone by now, but as a fan who never actively shipped Ron/Hermione, I am fascinated by J.K. Rowling's revelation that, in hindsight, Ron and Hermione just might not have been ultimately compatible. Now, without getting all batshit, as a fan whose first favorite pairing was Harry/Hermione, I appreciate this vindication ( Read more... )

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Comments 5

lordhellebore February 2 2014, 18:00:46 UTC
As a dedicated Ron/Hermione shipper, I have nothing against people who ship Harry/Hermione - I enjoy it in fanfic, but don't understand how they could see it in canon. But everyone is interpreting text differently, so I'm not against people seeing it that way or think they are somehow "not getting it".

the rose-colored belief held by a certain segment of the Potter fandom that unhealthy interpersonal dynamics should be considered ideal and/or romantic

Which is why I am not particularly happy with this sentence. You are interpreting their relationship as "unhealthy interpersonal dynamics", but others might interpret it differently, and I'm a bit miffed that you seriously appear to believe that those of us who read Ron/Hermione's interactions differently than you do aren't understanding what healthy/unhealthy relationships are (at least in this case).


cryptaknight February 2 2014, 18:31:27 UTC
I pretty much agree with everything you've said here.

However, I sometimes wish that JKR would just stop with all these after-the-fact bits of information. I don't mind when she's expanding the universe of the books, or giving extra details on characters like Theodore or Dean. But when she starts talking the coulda-woulda-shoulda, especially on hot button issues sure to rile fans, it leaves a sour taste in my mouth.

And yes, go Broncos! My love for Peyton Manning has won out over any traitorous feelings I have as a Chargers fan.


piperki February 2 2014, 20:02:35 UTC
I think it's just a sad grab at a little more publicity for someone whose star is not as bright as it once was. As for the wank, I'm not interested in it. As for who could make Hermione happy: neither one of those guys, probably somebody older with more life experience, but that would have been a totally different book, one that might demand more than JKR is capable of writing.

Also, I emailed you a couple of days ago about my fabulous dream that you were in. Or at least your car was.


junesrose February 3 2014, 02:08:17 UTC
Very good post my dear, very well said.



celestlyn February 3 2014, 07:47:58 UTC
Sorry, sweetie...about the Broncos. I really do feel bad for Peyton Manning. He just looked devastated.

However, OMG! The Hawks! I am over the moon for my team. This is their first SB win and they were crazy awesome today.


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