Title:The Downfall of a Potter
Character(s): Lucius, Scorpius
Challenge(s): Glass
Word count:126
Author's notes: First drabble ever! This is sort of a sequel to
The Dragon Wore Red and is set in my epilogue 'verse. Hope you like it.
Lucius picked up the picture from the floor. The glass had shattered. In the picture, Draco scowled at him from the Gryffindor stands, clad completely in red.
"He broke it again?"
"Your father's not overly fond of this picture. Can't think why."
"Maybe because you smirk every time you look at it?"
"That might be it. You should put this someplace safe."
Lucius handed the picture to Scorpius with a smile.
"Grandfather, um, what did they call you when you were in school?"
"Malfoy or Lucius. Why?"
"Well, I can't get James to stop calling me Pee."
"As your professor, I can tell him to stop. As your grandfather, there are some lovely hexes..."
Lucius and Scorpius wandered off together, plotting the downfall of a Potter.