Drabble Tree Round One: June 5 - 21 @ slytherin100

Jun 05, 2009 16:11

Banner can be found here.

The rules:

- Below is a base drabble. Anyone may take the last phrase of that drabble and post a new drabble that starts with that phrase.

- Anyone may take the last phrase of any 100-word drabble in the drabble tree (except their own drabbles) and post a new drabble as a reply.

- Your drabble may be a "sequel" to the drabble you're replying to, but it should be able to stand on its own.

- Each drabble must include at least one Slytherin character. Include your characters/pairings and the drabble rating in the subject line. You may also include a title.
e.g. "Chasing Fairies," Draco and Scorpius, PG
OR, Untitled, Snape/Hermione, R

- Each drabble must be 100 words exactly. If you go over 100 words, you may post your flopsy but it will be a "dead branch" and replies to that comment will be frozen. Include your 100+ word count in the subject line.
e.g. "Tattoos," Albus Severus, PG-13, 115 words
OR, Untitled, Narcissa and Pansy, G, 123 words

- Please spell-check and reread your drabble before posting it. This is to avoid comment deletion & reposting. (If you have a paid account, you can edit your comment as long as nobody has replied to it yet.)

- After June 21, feel free to compile your drabble(s) and post them at slytherin100.

- Last but not least, have fun! =D

Hospitality Rules, Draco and Narcissa, G


“Draco, Pansy’s your guest,” Narcissa said. “You should be gracious to guests.”

Five-year-old Draco Malfoy just pouted some more. “My toy broom.”

“Let her play with it for a little while, darling. When you visit the Parkinson Estate, you can play with Pansy’s toys.”

“Don’t want stupid girl toys. The broom’s all mine! Daddy said so.”

Narcissa arched an eyebrow. “All right. But you’re not having any guest over until you learn hospitality rules.”

Draco frowned.

“Pansy is a lady. You should be nice to ladies.”

Draco looked at Pansy skeptically. “Here. If you break it, I’ll hex you.”

challenge: drabbletree, [mod post]

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