Part One!
I volunteered to do generation two of
thiziz's round robin! And I'm glad I did, it's a nice change.
Anyways, featuring sims by
sixamsims and
petchy_14 Here's the heir winner, Herja Belich!
She's very pretty. <3
And here's her little house that I built super fast.
Herja's LTW is to be a ballet dancer :)
Of course there was no luck finding a job in the dance career.
I swear, as soon as the "Only marry Pixel Trade sims" rule was heard, all of my PT sims ran and hid. XD
I had the hardest time ever finding her someone to marry.
Woo! A job!
Herja threw a party for a bunch of townies.
And these two had their first kiss and fell in love during the party <3
I love ACR. It made me want to make these two playable so they could be together. XD
Callix by
sixamsims After Herja went home, someone who was eligible for marriage finally walked by!
Hugo by
petchy_14 And what do you know, they have 2 bolts!
Herja, being half family sim, right away rolled the want to marry Hugo.
Well, why not? He ended up moving in that night with $17,000.
d'awww <3
"Dear Diary, I'm pregnant!"