(no subject)

May 06, 2006 10:38

Title: Not Her Decision
Fandom: Lost
Character: Kate. Appearances by Jack, Sawyer, and Claire.
Prompt: #88 - Shocked
Word Count: 662
Rating: R (to be safe)
Warning: slash references
Summary: Kate stumbles across two survivors in a compromising situation.

She hadn’t meant to see them.

The trees were picked clean nearest to camp, they had been for weeks. She had been going off the main path for awhile now and had yet to see anyone else in this part of the jungle. Not even Locke and she thought if he hadn’t found this place, richly laden with fruit, and, from the markings she saw, boar, then how could anyone else.

But somebody already had.

It was a soft moan, morphing into a growl and she could hear it clearly as she climbed down the large trunk. It could’ve been anyone, one of the Others, even Vincent. She hoped it was the Vincent, having escaped the watch of Michael who now resigned himself to taking care of his son’s dog, knowing that he had done everything he could to find Walt and turned up nothing. But the dog had never sounded that feral. No, this was definitely a person.

Instinctively, she touched the waistband of her jeans before remembering there would be no gun. If it was one of the Others then she had no way of defending herself other than cleverness and adrenaline. Still she went towards the sound, brushing aside some vegetation so she could see. She stopped about twenty feet after that point, her body locking up and her breath catching in her throat.

They were far enough away that they couldn’t have heard her, not that they would’ve been able to anyway. Jack and Sawyer both kneeled on the jungle floor, wrapped up in each other. Clothes were everywhere but on them. Jack had his hand wrapped firmly around Sawyer’s cock, stroking him. She could easily tell who the moans were coming from.

It was when Sawyer opened his eyes that he saw her and his body went rigid. Now she backed up, mouth still hung open in complete shock. She wanted out of there before both of them could spot her, the less awkward this became the better. Unfortunately for her, Jack noticed Sawyer’s change in demeanor and stopped his movements, choosing to follow Sawyer’s gaze until his eyes connected with hers and he too sucked in a breath. He looked like a deer in headlights which contrasted with the unfamiliar look the other man was giving her.

“Kate,” her name fell from his lips, in a sort of horrified tone.

She started shaking her head, internally telling herself she wasn’t seeing this, backing up further until prickly brush scratched the bare skin of her lower bank, exposed by her tank, and she turned to run. She ran faster than Gale Devers had even thought of, on her best day. It wasn’t until she hit the sand that she stopped.

She was too late, had put off making a decision between the two men for so long that they’d taken matters into their own hands. Now the choice wasn’t hers. Or maybe it never had been and she was kidding herself all along.

“Something wrong?” An approaching Claire asked, baby Aaron swaddled in a blanket and held close to her. There was concern displayed on her face.

Kate looked from the jungle back to the younger blonde, “No, everything’s fine.”

“Okay,” Claire nodded, though she obviously didn’t buy it. “Do you know where Jack is? I need him to check on Aaron for me. I think that rash might be back again.”

“Nope, sorry,” Kate told her, starting up the beach and away from Claire’s inquiring mind, before pausing and calling over her shoulder, “You should check with Sawyer, he’d know.” She didn’t have to look back to visualize the look Claire was giving her. At least she wasn’t the only one who never saw it coming.

fandom: lost, !fic, table: 100moods

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