Title: In Our Bedroom After The War (or four times sam and ellen might’ve slept together - and one time they definitely didn’t)
Fandom: Battlestar Galactica
Characters/Pairings: Sam/Ellen.
Rating: R
Word Count: 2,738
Summary: Before. During. After. Pick your poison. The cards are still going to fall the same way.
the door is not locked -- this alternately does and does not matter )
Comments 17
This little bit just struck me as entirely excellent:
and this is the part that Ellen’s always enjoyed the most. The slow realization of options and outcomes, positive and negative, the way his fingers twitch but do not reach.
You write them both so well and this story just fits, they really just fit together. The comparisons of Saul and Kara, the casual way Ellen and Sam kind of fit together - but never for long. Just amazing.
I also loved this: Ellen’s not heartless, you know, and she doesn’t cheat because she doesn’t love Saul. It’s just Saul has a two-way loyalty, one to her and one to Bill Adama, and she doesn’t tend to win out. People deal in all sorts of ways.
I feel like I see these two with more clarity than I ever have before. You did that!
WHY don't I have an Ellen/Sam icon?
I just...I don't even know with this. No idea where it came from. I think there was a prompt at one of the bsg_pornbattle rounds that brought this up and I'd always thought about it but never did it. Until now.
This is one of those ships where I feel like once you see it, you can't unsee it. I see them together, all the time, like it's naturally the way of things, which I think is the only reason I keep writing this pairing. It's not for anyone, it's for me, because it makes so much damn sense.
Just a sidenote: Saul and Kara have always been a bit alike to me. Some of the scenes that stick out with me involve them -- like their scene in the flashback in Unfinished Business, the two of them post-New Caprica, everything in the miniseries -- it all has me drawing parallels. And I don't think I've ever really had an outlet to say that until this.
I feel like I see them more clearly. I feel like this was my breakthrough, you know, like it's suddenly right in front of me. I kind of wish the show ( ... )
I kind of feel that way about sam/galen too but... I want to say at times that sam/ellen trumps that. I was wondering if that's who sam had at home. ;)
ITA with you about Saul and Kara.
Maybe we should ask Dayl if she'll make us some? lol.
We should ask. Or beg. Whichever.
I think it's definitely one of, if not the best characterization of Ellen I've ever read. And I love the format as well, the fact that the keep coming together time and time again. The 2009 bit is especially interesting.
You rule, this is the bomb :)
I'm glad you enjoyed this hun! Thanks for reading and reviewing!
I'm glad you enjoyed this! Thanks for reading and reviewing!
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