Nuclear Family (ga - lexie/sloan, lexie/mark)

Nov 24, 2009 15:15

Title: Nuclear Family
Fandom: Grey's Anatomy
Characters/Pairings: Lexie | Lexie/Sloan Riley, Lexie/Mark.
Rating: R
Word Count: 4,059
Author's Note: I understand that this is going to freak a lot of people out. It freaks me out. However, I miss the days of thinking completely outside of the box. So...outside of the box it is.
Summary: Post 6.10 - ( Read more... )

ship: ga: mark/lexie, character: ga: mark, ship: ga: lexie/sloan, character: ga: sloan, table: 30sexyfics, character: ga: lexie, !fic, fandom: grey's anatomy

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Comments 27

foibles_fables November 24 2009, 20:29:55 UTC

Just...holy crap, I wonder how I can love your Sloan and yet hate the Sloan on the show, considering that they're the same person (wonderful characterization.)

Lexie hates her because she’s rude and superficial and also because Lexie sort of fears that Mark will wake up one day and discover that he really should be working on his relationship with his daughter before his relationship with her.

Sloan hates her because she’s passive-aggressive, far too close to her age to be telling her what to do, and has Mark’s attention more than she ever will.

Having sex is just easier than having the same argument fifteen times.

Oh man! This section was spectacular...I could feel the heat from it so well.

Great, GREAT job. I wish this plot could play out on the show instead of another damn crossover. But, alas. I can't believe I planted this seed...thank you SO much for making my dream of Lexie/Sloan (really funny to type, btw) come true :D


slybrunette November 24 2009, 20:33:31 UTC
Hello my entire intended audience lol.

You said hate sex and somehow my mind wandered and...wrote this. I think their interaction could be interesting. I think Sloan has potential, at least bitchy potential, but the show will never explore any of it at all. Instead, we're just gonna get that stupid crossover. So yeah, I might as well go there while I can.

You should plant seeds more often, I think. It turned out okay here.

I'm thrilled that you liked this! Thanks for reading and reviewing!


foibles_fables November 24 2009, 20:33:58 UTC
OH I forgot to mention this, from the opening...

...and his soothing words (which equally tug at her heartstrings and annoy her)

Great observation. I have a feeling this is what's coming.


slybrunette November 24 2009, 20:36:07 UTC
Well, I mean one hand it's nice to see that side of him. But on the other, considering how she is on the show and what kind of situation this puts Lexie in, I think she'd be kind of pissed too.


nursebadass November 24 2009, 22:29:20 UTC
This is why you're a genius. I love how you wrote Sloan and how you went there- like father, like daughter. They even have the same taste in women, hahaha. This was really well written and I love the structure of it all. I bow down to you.


slybrunette November 24 2009, 22:32:23 UTC
There's not a lot of places that I won't go -- it's just a matter of trying to make sure people don't look at me funny. As long as I know I've got one or two people who are down with it, I go with it, you know? So I really am uber grateful that you read this.

I'm glad you liked this! Thanks for reading and reviewing!


nursebadass November 24 2009, 22:42:47 UTC
No problem hon! I really loved it. I had to read about Sloan a few times before I got it, haha. It's a little bit jarring because you picture Big Sloan, not little Sloan.


slybrunette November 24 2009, 22:45:59 UTC
Oh totally. Try writing it -- I keep having to actively remind myself who I'm writing. It's insane.


citron_presse November 25 2009, 03:35:38 UTC
Well, I guess this could have freaked me out, if it wasn't so damn good! The way you wrote this made it seem like an evolution that really could happen. And there's so much insight here into all three characters. It's an awesome fic. I honestly don't have good enough words to say how much I liked it. So I'll just end by saying, brilliant!


slybrunette November 25 2009, 03:51:04 UTC
You have no idea how relieved I am to hear that. It was originally just going to be something kind of throwaway -- you know, the tension and then them sleeping together and where do we go from here. And then at some point, accidentally, my tone changed and Mark wound up playing a bigger part in it and it went from being some kind crack fic to like...introspective in a way. I don't know. You said what I was going for and that delights me in an insane amount of ways.

Thank you for reading and reviewing! I am so glad that you enjoyed it!


msmtchedscks November 25 2009, 04:47:52 UTC
I really, really liked this. It was very in character, even though it showed a darker side of Lexie, something that I love! It was beautifully written in a way that made me actually like Sloan (which I didn't in the episode) and feel emotionally connected to Lexie (which I didn't really feel in the episode either). I think that it showed the struggle in the Mark/Lexie/Sloan relationship that Grey's wasn't able to really communicate and I loved it. I can't even pick a favourite part because I liked so much of it, but I enjoyed the brief mentions of Meredith understanding her, and how people choose their family, and Lexie's struggle with where she fit with Mark and with Sloan. Thank you for writing this!


slybrunette November 25 2009, 04:50:15 UTC
Grey's definitely didn't delve very far with this situation and I felt it could use the effort. Granted, perhaps not in this way, but it is a way.

I'm glad you liked this! Thank you for reading and reviewing!


rules1through8 November 26 2009, 08:05:50 UTC
Oh mein gott, your Lexie voice is SPOT ON.

I LOVE this.


slybrunette November 26 2009, 15:08:07 UTC
Aw thanks! I'm so glad you liked this!


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