where you go when the lights are turned down low {alex, cristina}

Aug 08, 2009 17:48

Title: Where You Go When The Lights Are Turned Down Low
Fandom: Grey's Anatomy
Characters/Pairings: Alex, Cristina.
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 981
Prompt: #3 - Forget for 5drunkfics
Author's Note: bebitched wanted Grey's fic with two people drinking...in a morgue. And thus this was born.
Summary: Post S5 finale. Alex has never been down here before.

loose ends tangle down and then take flight )

character: ga: cristina, table: 5drunkfics, character: ga: alex, fandom: grey's anatomy, !fic

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Comments 20

clockwork_jo August 9 2009, 00:14:59 UTC
I love these two. They're the kind of people that both should and shouldn't be friends. And it irritates me that they're relationship is always boiled down to: "She doesn't get on with Izzie, therefore she doesn't get on with Alex." in reality, they'd actually fit kind of well. Personal rant over. haha.

Anyways, perfect dialogue. I know I always say it, but you just do it so well; it's the sheer brutality of what they're saying, and the fact that neither is going to call the other one on it. "Write it on a fucking post-it." is just the kind of line that would earn him a shocked glance, or disgusted expression, but Cristina just lets it wash over her ( ... )


slybrunette August 9 2009, 00:39:14 UTC
I think they had like one scene in the beginning of S4. And a few here and there this year, but that were all about Izzie. But you're right, boiling it down to something so simplistic and almost...petty is a bit stupid.

Alex is brutal. He's honest and relatively tactless when he allows himself to be. He often does it with Meredith and, knowing the way Cristina is, he would probably do it with her. That line was very bitter and i deleted it a couple of times before I just decided to let the story write itself.

Meredith does think she is the worst off doesn't she? She's a bit of a drama queen IMO (I like the character, I'm just stating my views). These two however are probably the most broken of the bunch, and certainly the coldest. I think they could find common ground with each other.

I'm glad you liked this! Thanks for reading and reviewing!


clockwork_jo August 9 2009, 01:03:28 UTC
Exactly. I'm glad you kept the line in, because yeah, it's harsh and it's the kind of thing that makes you stop for a moment, but Alex has always been the person to say those things. In the same way, that Cristina sticks to the science, Alex sticks to the blunt because both just protect themselves. Both are preparing themselves for the worst.

And yeah, Mer, I love. But I do find myself thinking "Okay, we get it. You're tragic." but Shonda does tend to beat us over the head with Meredith being the worst-off. For me, Alex and Cristina are the ones so embedded in their broken-ness that it'd be hard to change them- I find them the most fascinating, to be that broken and still believe that they're fine. And to me, that coldness makes them kind of vulnerable, in the strangest way. haha.


slybrunette August 9 2009, 01:23:46 UTC
You're definitely right about them protecting themselves. That's all it is -- one big defense mechanism.

I guess it's because she's the main character, we're supposed to sympathize with her, etc, but Shonda...does it wrong. There are other things she could focus on, other characters with much deeper issues.


(The comment has been removed)

slybrunette August 9 2009, 01:24:22 UTC
I do as well. I think they have an interesting dynamic.

I'm glad you liked this! Thanks for reading and reviewing!


blackberry06 August 9 2009, 03:57:17 UTC
I absolutely adored this. I've always been really fascinated by the relationship/respectish thing between Alex and Cristina, maybe even more than the connection between Alex and Meredith.

I could go on and on and spam up your LJ saying how perfectly in character and quintessentially Alex and Cristina this was, but I'll just leave it at my favorite little detail; that Cristina drank straight from the bottle, and though Alex protested, they both knew he really didn't care. I'm not sure why I thought that was so poignant, but there you go.

Fantastic job.


slybrunette August 9 2009, 16:51:39 UTC
They might be second to Alex/Mer for me, but it's a close second. I just have a harder time writing Cristina I think, and that's one reason why.

I'm really glad you liked this (that detail with the drinking...well I put some thought into that one)! Thanks for reading and reviewing!


folie_lex August 10 2009, 20:27:12 UTC
Beautiful, sad, perfect!!


slybrunette August 10 2009, 21:49:54 UTC
Thank you! I'm glad you thought so!


darkandtwisty02 August 11 2009, 05:24:20 UTC
Tissues! I loved it, it was so sad but felt so in character!
I've been MIA lots of chaos over the summer!
Glad I found this, somedays I think that all the GOOD fanfic writers have been kidnapped!
At least I know you got loose!! H Ha


slybrunette August 11 2009, 16:10:01 UTC
I've been a bit MIA as well, certainly haven't been writing, lol. But you are too funny, and far too sweet, and I'm so glad that you enjoyed this! Thanks for reading and reviewing hun!


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