Prompt Me

Jul 30, 2009 12:35

I badly need to write something different that's not a WIP, so if you all could do me a favor and leave me prompts that would be great.

- ANY fandom that you know I write.
- Leave me a pairing/character(s), and a prompt word, song lyric, phrase, or picture.
- You may leave up to 3.
- I'm not guaranteeing I finish all of these, but I am going to try ( Read more... )

prompt me

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you lost me in the rear view mirror {burke/cristina} slybrunette August 2 2009, 03:43:47 UTC
i don't quite know what happened got angsty and it became this weird future fic with o/c mixed into it. so um...i hope you enjoy ( ... )


Re: you lost me in the rear view mirror {burke/cristina} nursebadass August 2 2009, 03:48:34 UTC
I cannot even begin to speak of my love for you. Your talent for capturing any character from the GA Fandom so...thoroughly is just beyond amazing to me. Burke, Cristina, WHOEVER, you get all of them. I think that Burke and Cristina are incredibly hard to write- they stump me and I always feel like I write crap and I think that even if you TRIED to write crap, that you just wouldn't be able to do it.

Seriously, I'm like, copy/paste, save it somewhere on my email because I will read this over and over again.



Re: you lost me in the rear view mirror {burke/cristina} slybrunette August 2 2009, 03:50:58 UTC
Fact: this is either the first or second time I've ever written Burke. I have NO clue how to write him so this was...well interesting doesn't begin to describe me. And you don't write crap hun. I know this because I feel like I write crap, and therefore we are just both ridiculous perfectionists who should listen to each other and not ourselves ;)

That said, I am seriously glad that you liked this! I will probably/possibly be writing another one of those prompts later as well.


Re: you lost me in the rear view mirror {burke/cristina} nursebadass August 2 2009, 04:00:08 UTC
EEEee! EEEEee! I'm so excited. It's like freakin' Christmas when somebody writes Burke/Cristina for me because I'm always writing to fill everybody else's void but it's so hard to get a story to read for myself! I <3 you. So hard.

And we are perfectionists. Like whoa.

Still. It was amazing. You should post it to ga_fanfic.

And I can't believe that's only the second time you've written Burke. You have him down. The hardest part of grasping Burke/Cristina is not in what they say, it's in what they don't say. They're all actions and very little dialogue. The dialogue gets tricky sometimes- keeping it in character.


Re: you lost me in the rear view mirror {burke/cristina} slybrunette August 2 2009, 04:03:45 UTC
lol, yeah, you more than compensate for that pairing in this fandom. you are the burke/cristina queen for sure :)

I will tomorrow. I'm going to do a few more of these, put them in one big post and link them up to ga_fanfic.

Dialogue is really tricky. easier, but I haven't seen Burke in over a year. Literally, I haven't even watched the eps I have with him on DVD in that long. So it was interesting trying to figure out things like speech patterns and actions. Which is why this is Cristina's POV lol.


Re: you lost me in the rear view mirror {burke/cristina} nursebadass August 3 2009, 22:26:47 UTC
Haha, well, you did well and I really enjoyed it (and this is so delayed reaction but life has not been cool for the past couple of days. At all.)


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Re: you lost me in the rear view mirror {burke/cristina} slybrunette August 2 2009, 04:04:15 UTC
Thanks hun! I'm so glad you thought so :)


Re: you lost me in the rear view mirror {burke/cristina} michellek August 3 2009, 06:19:13 UTC
This is fantastic.


Re: you lost me in the rear view mirror {burke/cristina} slybrunette August 4 2009, 02:18:47 UTC
Thank you! I'm glad you thought so :)


Re: you lost me in the rear view mirror {burke/cristina} clockwork_jo August 3 2009, 15:38:19 UTC
Aw, lush fic. I knew Jer would love it!! haha. XD but yeah, as usual wonderful dialogue, Burke/Cristina is always wonderful when it's minimal, matter of fact, and laced with meanings that take a while to sink in. Perfection. Ugh. Love it.


Re: you lost me in the rear view mirror {burke/cristina} slybrunette August 4 2009, 02:19:58 UTC
I guess with them it kind of has to be minimalistic. Same goes for O/C in my experience. It makes dialogue (which is my thing) harder to write. I'm glad you liked this! Thanks for reading and reviewing!


Re: you lost me in the rear view mirror {burke/cristina} ladybeth August 3 2009, 21:31:54 UTC
Wow, haven't seen C/B in awhile. Love it:)


Re: you lost me in the rear view mirror {burke/cristina} slybrunette August 4 2009, 02:20:36 UTC
I swear I've like never written these two, so it was a bit new for me as well. I'm glad you liked it! Thanks!


Re: you lost me in the rear view mirror {burke/cristina} dariclone August 4 2009, 23:32:22 UTC
Wow, that was incredible. Slightly angsty, but very good and very Burketina.


Re: you lost me in the rear view mirror {burke/cristina} slybrunette August 9 2009, 00:28:01 UTC
Thank you! I'm very glad you enjoyed it!


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