Title: Rockabye (Everything's Gonna Be Alright)
Fandom: The Big Bang Theory
Characters/Pairings: Sheldon/Penny
Rating: R
Word Count: 2,885
Author's Note: This is what happens when people tell me I'm doing something right; you get inundated with fic. For the prompt sing, over at the Porn Battle VIII.
Summary:Penny knows that being involved in one
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Comments 17
And HOMG I don't even know how to react to the brilliant way you've made Sheldon/Penny still themselves, just with this crazy!impossible-but-damn-it-could-still-happen progression of their relationship-that-isn't-really-a-relationship. :D I'll just continue to express my love and leave it at that.
This was everything I wanted from this pairing. This made me moan out loud.
I loved it. I loved how she stayed with him that night and sang to him and how she became part of his life without even looking....
Penny's POV it's just perfect and very in character, and the interaction with Sheldon it's totally canon (and hot, really, really hot).
Amazing fic.
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