five people meredith never rebounded with {meredith/various}

Mar 14, 2009 17:39

Title: Five People Meredith Never Rebounded With
Fandom: Grey's Anatomy
Characters/Pairings: Meredith. Meredith/Alex, Meredith/Sadie, Meredith/Mark, Meredith/Lexie, Meredith/Owen
Rating: R
Word Count: 1,230
Prompt: #23 - Lovers for fanfic100
Author's Note: These are basically five seperate drabbles; if you have issues with femslash just read around them.
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ship: ga: mark/meredith, character: ga: owen, ship: ga: alex/meredith, ship: ga: meredith/sadie, character: ga: mark, ship: ga: meredith/owen, character: ga: alex, fandom: grey's anatomy, !fic, character: ga: lexie, table: fanfic100, ship: ga: lexie/meredith, character: ga: meredith, character: ga: sadie

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Comments 29

dariclone March 15 2009, 00:58:20 UTC
I loved the Meredith/Sadie. And the Meredith/Lexie was so hot and so in character. I've never Meredith/Owen before, but your fic's convinced me that they are totally great together!


slybrunette March 15 2009, 02:52:38 UTC
Mer/Sadie and Mer/Lexie are definitely two of my fave femslash ships atm. And Meredith/Owen was taking a risk, but I had fun with it.

I'm glad you liked this! Thanks for reading and reviewing!


clockwork_jo March 15 2009, 01:44:25 UTC
Oh my lord... These were brilliant.

I can't help but just squee at the pure guilt that is Owen/Mer fic. It just-- Gah, but you write it so well. You always do stuff like this to me!! I go into it thinking "Oh Lord, this is going to be awful." And then you turn it around with clever words, and insane passion. Damn you. *evil eyes*

I loved the Mark/Mer and Alex/Mer the most-- something about them all being total whores, that just makes it all the more tragic. And the line about them breaking their respective partner's hearts. Was freakily in character.

*Gushes* =P


slybrunette March 15 2009, 03:00:21 UTC
Owen/Mer was SO much fun to write, you don't even know. I thought it would be awful too, but no, it was my favorite one, and I have NO idea why.

Mer/Mark and Mer/Alex are two pairings I've always been really, really into honestly, probably because of the fact that they're all whores, lol.

I'm glad you liked this! Thanks for reading and reviewing!


ladybeth March 15 2009, 01:52:26 UTC
Alex may need that, if Greys is going down the dead path with Izzie.

Mer/Owen is new. Christina is going to kill her, in a very Christina type way.

very good:)


slybrunette March 15 2009, 03:07:07 UTC
Well...I think we all know what path Grey's is going unfortunately...

Cristina would probably go a little nuts...if she found out, and honestly I doubt she would.

I'm glad you liked this! Thanks for reading and reviewing!


ladybeth March 15 2009, 03:18:58 UTC
You know, I always remember that Cristina's name is spelled differently and I type Cristina only to think "No, that has to be wrong"

*sigh* I should stick with my first spelling.

No, I don't think Owen or Meredith would be that stupid to tell her. Or tell anyone who would tell her.

And I'm in denial about Greys. If that happens, it might be the nail, though. Because as time goes by, while I may enjoy the occasional episode, there is less and less to make me want to watch


slybrunette March 15 2009, 03:22:19 UTC
lol, I've only ever known one Cristina, spelled the same, so it's second nature for me.

Honestly, I went back and forth on whether I'm still watching next year...and I decided I am because I realized that Alex/Izzie kind of hasn't been my OTP since the beginning of this year, and I haven't liked Izzie in years, so maybe it really isn't the worst thing for me personally. But I completely understand that a lot of people don't feel that way and are leaving.


bebitched March 15 2009, 03:29:48 UTC
The return of smutty Meredith!

My favorite were Sadie and Mark; I've always had a soft spot for both nostalgia smut and the dirty mistresses club.

Great work!


slybrunette March 15 2009, 03:31:31 UTC
I love nostalgia smut. It's fun, and I seriously wanted damn backstory with those two.

I'm glad you liked this! Thanks for reading and reviewing! Now come bug me on gtalk!


bebitched March 15 2009, 03:34:23 UTC
Okay, but I'm warning you: I haven't watched BSG and I can't stay on for too long. Deal?


slybrunette March 15 2009, 03:35:58 UTC
Yes ma'am.


foibles_fables March 15 2009, 03:42:54 UTC
This was SO. Totally awesome. My favorites were Mer/Lexie (of course) and Mer/Alex. Also, Mer/Owen never even entered my mind but now it just seems awesome so major kudos.


slybrunette March 15 2009, 03:46:24 UTC
I didn't think I'd like writing Mer/Owen, but damn that was fun.

I'm glad you liked this! Thanks for reading and reviewing!


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