
Jul 08, 2008 23:07

Title: Something To Hold Onto
Fandom: Lost
Characters/Pairings: Sun, Kate
Word Count: 711
Rating: PG
Prompt: isis2015 wanted Sun fic at lostsquee. Also for #28 - Touch at slash_100
Author's Note: Second/third (?) time writing Sun POV, go easy on me.
Summary: Set during "There's No Place Like Home Pt. 1"; flashforward. This is what they have to do. That ( Read more... )

character: lost: kate, fandom: lost, !fic, character: lost: sun

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Comments 31

janie_tangerine July 9 2008, 06:58:08 UTC
This was excellent. Sun was completely spot on, I could totally see this happening before the conference. Kate was completely IC, defending Jack even when he isn't the point of the matter while conforting Sun as best as she can. I really liked it!


slybrunette July 9 2008, 12:42:36 UTC
Thank you! I'm glad you thought I wrote both of them well, since I do kind of struggle with Sun.

I'm glad you liked this! Thanks for reading and reviewing!


luna481516 July 9 2008, 14:15:19 UTC
This was a nice "Missing Piece" and could be one of those mobisodes they did last fall. It hadn't occurred to me that forbidding the O6 from talking about the real island with others would rob them somehow of those memories, but of course Sun, returning to Korea, would have none of the other Losties to share with on a regular basis.

Her eyes sting with unshed tears, like sharp needle pricks at the corners of her eyes, as her hand unconsciously falls to rest on her stomach, searching for the last thing she has of him, the thing she can’t feel yet. That was a very evocative description and shows so well how much in limbo and lost Sun finds herself.

I loved the Sun/Kate friendship and I like your Sun/Kate icon too!


slybrunette July 11 2008, 14:51:01 UTC
In a sense they made them say all that they'd gotten back, all that had changed them, on that island, never existed or never happened and while it isn't actually taking away those memories, it's something like that. They become things you can't tell to anyone.

Hee, the icon's a personal favorite of mine too, thanks.

I'm glad you liked this! Thanks for reading and reviewing!


(The comment has been removed)

slybrunette July 11 2008, 14:52:53 UTC
You know that's why we have friends. To pick us back up when we don't remember how to, when we can't, and the idea of Kate and Sun turning to each other in times like that has always intrigued me.

I'm glad you liked this! Thanks for reading and reviewing hun!


demonqueen666 July 9 2008, 15:59:55 UTC
It cheapens things somehow, reduces everything that happened on the island to a series of lies, even dreams they tell themselves at night to help them sleep.

This was great. I could really see Sun having this sort of reaction, feeling this way about it, and it helps to lead into the cold woman she becomes later once time has set in. Right now she isn't so bitter over it as she is sick and unhappy, but we know how that will change.

“He is asking me to give up my memories, to lie. He is asking me to leave Jin behind.”I could hear her voice saying this. For someone who says they haven't done Sun POV much before, you really do have a grasp on her character ( ... )


slybrunette July 11 2008, 14:57:29 UTC
Well there are stages of grief. I think the sadness comes before the anger, hence why something like this did probably lead to this bitter badass we know now.

The thing with her POV is I don't write it, but I do a lot of Kate+(/)Sun based stories and so I write her enough that I can...fake it I guess. Dialogue is easier for me than thought process.

As for Kate, she doesn't defend Jack still, to a degree, I think it's kind of instinct, but she also knows that this is not what Sun needs to hear about right now. Good on you for picking up that they are a bit more worried, or at least Jack is, about what she will say. That's exactly where I'm going with this.

I'm glad you liked this! Thanks for reading and lovely such a lovely review!


gottalovev July 9 2008, 19:57:19 UTC
you have the both of them so well here, it sounds like it has been lifted up directly from canon. I understand Sun's anger though, how it makes her sick... well done!


slybrunette July 11 2008, 15:00:39 UTC
I'm starting to get more accustomed to trying to fit things into canon, case in point this. It's easy with the littler stuff, the scenes that there is no evidence with which to disprove. So I'm glad you thought it fit :)

I'm thrilled that you liked this! Thanks for reading and reviewing!


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