
Jul 02, 2008 17:03

Title: When We Were Young We Knew Everything
Fandom: Lost/Grey's Anatomy
Characters/Pairings: Kate, Alex
Word Count: 979
Rating: PG-13
Author's Note: For cerberusk. For anyone who doesn't yet realize this - factors these two have in common: both from Iowa, both around the same age (if the interns were 27 in their first year, which I think they were ( Read more... )

character: btvs: xander, character: lost: kate, character: ga: alex, fandom: lost, character: ga: lexie, fandom: buffy the vampire slayer, !fic, fandom: grey's anatomy

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Comments 19

_chica02 July 3 2008, 14:35:31 UTC
WOW. The Kate and Alex piece was a stroke of genius! I would love to see more high school versions of Alex and especially Kate--because it seems like she's changed a lot since then.

I think you did a fantastic job portraying what they would have been. Thanks so much for sharing!


slybrunette July 4 2008, 19:33:14 UTC
Aw thanks! Usually I avoid high school fics because I fear the ones where it's all 'take the entire Lost cast and stick them in high school, ignoring ages/origins', but this is...well I think it's more plausible. But I am obviously biased.

I'm glad you liked this! Thanks for reading and reviewing!


anna_in_the_sky July 6 2008, 13:18:39 UTC
I really love your crossovers - well, I love all of your fics, but I'm not usually into crossovers, so...

Anyway, while the similarities in Kate and Alex were painfully obvious once I read your fic, I never picked up on them before. Great job in getting them together in a situation like that. Also, the title reminds me of that Verve Pipe song, "The Freshmen". How very 90ies ;-)

Lexie would make a great slayer! She's funny and awkward and a little sad, too. She'd be great with Buffy, Xander and the rest of them. Again, I never would have made the connection though if you hadn't written it.


slybrunette July 7 2008, 21:43:20 UTC
Aw thank you!

I hadn't picked up on the similiarites either...until I sat down to write them. It's funny the things that come together. And the title is from that song actually. Most of my titles are from songs. Good catch!

Lexie would be an awesome slayer, so when I get the prompt for it I knew I had to write this.

I'm glad you liked these! Thanks for reading and reviewing!


serendipityxxi July 7 2008, 04:28:30 UTC
The Kate and Alex piece was beautifully done! Very in character on both of their parts and of course got the obligatory "Oh, Alex!" out of me ;)
The Lexie and Xander bit was brilliant, a little heavy handed with the last line but I liked it anyway and geez the timeline for it works so well! :)


slybrunette July 7 2008, 21:41:31 UTC
I'm glad you liked these! Thanks for reading and reviewing!


cerberusk July 7 2008, 21:38:52 UTC

Alex and Kate are soooo much better than I thought they'd be. I could totally see this happening, this is amazing, THANK YOU :]


slybrunette July 7 2008, 21:40:11 UTC
I'm thrilled you thought so :) I had a lot of fun writing it.

Thanks for a great prompt!


dariclone January 23 2009, 00:59:02 UTC
Your Kate/Alex was painful for them both but true to both characters and it paints a beuatiful picture of the lives of rhe two of them.
Your BTVS crossover was light and funny and I think I know ship Xander/Lexie. Alos I loved how you brought George into it.
Great juxtaposition!


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