
Jan 25, 2008 23:16

Title: You Already Know How This Will End
Fandom: Lost
Characters/Pairings: Jack/Alex.
Word Count: 437
Rating: R
Prompt: Day 3: Colors at 
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table: un_love_you, ship: lost: jack/alex, character: lost: alex, fandom: lost, !fic, character: lost: jack

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slybrunette January 26 2008, 19:30:26 UTC
If there isn't something for him to overanalyze and obsess about then he just isn't happy.

Kind of like us fans actually.

I'm glad you liked this! Thanks for reading and reviewing!


do_not_confess January 26 2008, 10:12:29 UTC
You wrote it! Thank you so much. There isn't enough Jack/Alex around.

Not Jenny Ledbetter’s, junior year of high school,

First of all, is it wrong that I want to Jack's first time now? Bwahahhahaha.

This was amazing. Again, the power that's shining through seemingly simple lines takes my breath away. I love how Alex is all teenage BRAVADO and almost a woman, trying to get Jack to do this while her adolescent self always flickers behind that facade.

The way I see her she really does go ruthlessly after what she wants (in that respect she fights like her mother) so she would be the one to initiate anything with Jack and he'd always beat himself up about it but give into it. Maybe even do it FOR her in a twisted kind of way.

Her skin is weathered under his hands, way more than any sixteen year old’s should ever be, lightly bronzed in a way that speaks of days, years now, spent out in the sun.

I love how you portray her as this wild creature he almost tames. How her youthful force plays against Jack's gentleness.

The problem with ( ... )


do_not_confess January 26 2008, 10:13:14 UTC
Um... that should say "I want to READ Jack's first time now" but I guess this is a true FREUDIAN SLIP.


slybrunette January 26 2008, 18:33:08 UTC
I said I'd write. I'm trying to be better about doing what I say I'm going to do.

There is no amount of money in the world that will get me to write Jack's first time. Unless you offer up Matthew Fox. Then we'll talk.

Teenagers always go through the rebellious phase (I went through mine about a year ago) where they want to do things they aren't supposed to do, and often times they get themselves into situations that they almost can't handle. Even if they think they can. Alex grew up fast, therefore she's more mature than she should be. She seems older, but really, she's just sixteen beneath all of that bravado.

That's one way to read that line, which actually works pretty well when I think about it.

I'm thrilled that you liked this! Thanks for prompting me (because I probably never would've written this pairing otherwise) and for leaving such great feedback hun!


hendercats January 26 2008, 13:51:32 UTC
The way he sees it he figures Sawyer is probably a better candidate for this sort of tryst.
Bwahahahahaha! What a perfect line. I clicked because it's you, but while reading, in the back of my head a little voice was saying Jack/Alex? Jack/Alex?? and just about the time the little voice got to not sure this is gonna work, there was that perfect line, as if you were sticking your tongue out at my doubt. ;) Great job.


slybrunette January 26 2008, 19:34:20 UTC
I marvel at how much faith you guys seem to have in me. And that totally was me sticking my tongue out at all the doubters. I don't think I would've written this if I didn't have some kind of rational reasons for it to happen.

I'm glad you liked this! Thanks for reading and reviewing!


elliotsmelliot January 26 2008, 14:51:55 UTC
This is a great study on Jack and Alex and how messed up everything is for this to happen. It's great that you set this in Othersville, contrasting the civilization of a house with Jack's acceptance of Alex's wishes. I love that he is spurred on by guilt and regret (and maybe revenge), the only emotions he can feel anymore, but ones that need fresh misery to feel deeply.


slybrunette January 26 2008, 19:36:39 UTC
I really want to play in Otherville, I just haven't had the time or the reason to do so. I'm hoping I can this season.

Jack is usually acting on his guilt, his regret, and as sad as that is I kind of love that about him.

I'm glad you liked this! Thanks for reading and reviewing!


jenthegypsy January 26 2008, 16:29:29 UTC
Leave it to you to take the bull by the horns and tackle Jack/Alex in the here and now. Brava! Nothing on that island is related to the moral code of "home", and Alex is willfull and old beyond her years. Of course she would choose Jack, for the simple reason of getting back at Ben, and of course Jack would cave, because he is tired and worn and demoralized.

And of course Jack will beat himself over the head with this incident for the rest of his natural life.

Well played. I love it!


slybrunette January 26 2008, 18:27:01 UTC
The island is like...the whole whatever happens in Vegas stays in Vegas kind of thing. It doesn't much matter once they get off because they're all doing things there that are wrong and highly illegal and that's just the way it is. Society's rules don't exist there, which is the only reason I can see Jack/Alex. Because in the real world? Jack wouldn't even think about it.

I'm glad you liked this! Thanks for reading and reviewing!


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