Five Days That Shannon Pretends Never Happened cont'd...

Apr 02, 2007 22:31

There were going to be marks and Boone was going to ask where they came from. Somehow she didn’t think that telling him ‘I fucked the island’s resident hick to get rid of sand fleas’ was going to get her very far.

It didn’t stop her from doing it.

“Was there another option?” She asked, having followed Sawyer out into the jungle in an attempt to get him alone and without much chance of being found.

“What was that, Sticks?” Sawyer turned from where he was stooped over what she assumed was his bag of tricks and stolen stuff. It wasn’t the best hiding place she’d seen but perhaps that was the genius of it. She didn’t bother to make note of it’s location; he’d only move it when she left anyway. Shannon knew his type.

“When I asked what you wanted for the bug spray you told me five grand. But that wasn’t what you were going to say at first.” She elaborated, remembering the smile he’d given her before he asked for the money. “So what was the other option?”

There was the smile again. Because just like she had his number, he had hers as well. She already knew what he had been after and she had come here to give it to him. It wasn’t like she wasn’t getting something out of the deal.

“Well, well, what prompted this little change in perspective?” He closed the bag, and covered it back up again, rising and coming closer to her. She shifted her weight, her hip jutting out just enough for her skirt to slip down another half inch or so, revealing smooth, perfectly tanned skin.

She kissed him then, rather than answer him. Her hands came up to the hem of his shirt as a means of holding on and pulling him in closer at the same time as he kissed her back. He was good at it, unsurprisingly, though she had to readjust to the idea of kissing a smoker again. It had been nearly a year since she dated one and since then it had become a somewhat repulsive thought. Now she was doing her best to ignore the taste of nicotine and focus on other things like the way his hand brushed against breast briefly, making her breath hitch just slightly.

He started walking her backwards, like Boone had done in the hotel room, only then they had landed on a soft bed whereas now all that stopped them was the solid bulk of the tree behind her. The bark pressed into her skin where her clothes gaped and she could already envision the scratches this would cause. Still she let him pin her between himself and the tree, already knowing before any of this started that sex with him would be rough. It was always rough when you didn’t care about the other person involved, when it wasn’t some deep display of feelings. This was them both getting something they needed, that was all.

Her nimble fingers undid his jeans, pushing them down his hips and taking his boxers with them, freeing the erection that she had felt pressing against her since he’d first deepened the kiss. Sawyer pulled back an inch or so, enough so he could look at her. She gave him a look that asked if he was really going to bother acting like she was going too fast for him, or that this was some kind of defining moment. To be frank, Shannon wasn’t interested in either.

“Not too invested in the foreplay are you?” He asked. She was relatively amazed that he had the presence of mind to be asking questions at all.

She let her hand drop from his side, nails grazing his cock on the way down, and he let out a growl, “Not particularly.” It was a lie. Usually she was that kind of girl, needed the games and the teasing, but right now she could do without it.

Taking that answer without questioning it, he pushed that green flowy skirt, she’d just bought in Australia, up and pushing in to her. The small moan she gave when he entered would be the last noise she made. She wasn’t too keen on someone hearing noises and following them, especially with both the doctor and that creepy hunter guy having gone and disappeared. The doctor would give them shit about not being careful, and the old guy would probably watch, sick as that was.

It didn’t take long for either of them, and he pulled out seconds after he came. No use lingering. She let herself slide down the tree to the ground, ignoring the fact that her hundred dollar skirt was getting dirty, catching her breath. He pulled his pants back up, and zipped them, giving her a slow smile which she didn’t return. “When do I get the bug spray?”

“Stop by whenever you like.” He told her, giving her an open invitation which she fully intended to take advantage of as soon as she got back to camp. “And if you ever want a repeat performance - “

She rolled her eyes, cutting him off before he could finish that thought, “Don’t count on it.” He was hot and he was just as good as she thought he would be but she wasn’t that desperate. Not unless he started hoarding the tampons.

He took no offense, just chuckled at her, before he started back to camp.

Shannon waited a few minutes, so they didn’t come back at the same time, and then made her way back to camp, slipping in unnoticed. Nobody knew she was gone; everyone was too busy with whatever crisis had struck camp today. Something about the water. And when she walked by Sawyer’s tent he handed her the spray, no qualms.

She found Boone watching the ocean by their stuff. After all the crap he’d given her about painting her nails and all he was doing was watching the waves crash upon themselves. She sat down next to him, depositing the bug spray in her bag.

“Thought Sawyer wouldn’t give it to you?” Boone observed, watching her zip the bag shut.

“Yeah, well, unlike you I can actually get what I want out of people.” She replied, cattily.

His eyes shifted back to the ocean. “You fucked him didn’t you?”

“Since when is it any of your business who I have sex with?” Shannon asked, knowing full well that she was baiting him. He was too quiet and subdued for her tastes, and if she had to get him riled up in order to get him to talk then so be it.

“Whatever, Shannon,” he said, with a shake of his head, and she looked at him with some degree of confusion. He never just let things like that go. Clearly he had other things on his mind, and she didn’t like his attention focused on anything but her. Without him, she was alone. She hated that.

“You found your bag yet?” She’d found hers their first day there. He had yet to find his own as far as she was aware.

“No,” he replied, keeping his gaze steady even though her eyes were burning holes into his back. “Why do you care? You’ve got yours?”

She looked away, “My stupid inhalers are in there, remember?”

His head snapped back to glance at her, that cold and complacent look disappearing. “Are you having trouble breathing again?”

“Thought you didn’t care,” she bit back, regretting it the instant she did. He pushed up off the ground and stalked away, tired of her games, and she sat back and pretended she didn’t need him anyway.


They fought. It was how they were with each other, quite possibly the only way they knew how to be they’d been doing it for so long. But there was a fine line between the half-assed fights that frequented their normal conversation and the screaming matches were the object was to cut the other person as deep as you could. Sadly, this was one of the latter.

She’d only wanted to ask him a simple question. She couldn’t find the sunglasses he’d given to her on one of their first days there. Shannon thought he might know. It shouldn’t have been such a big thing but the heat put everyone on edge, and with the way they had been getting along (or not) it really was a long time coming.

Point was he kept on walking right past her, even after she asked him again. He never did that, and if he thought she was just going to let that go he was sadly mistaken.

“Hello, can you not hear me?” She shouted, getting to her feet and sprinting to catch up with him. “Boone!”

He turned back her way, with an expression of pure annoyance. “Is it really that big of a deal? Don’t you have more important things you could be doing than looking for sunglasses?”

“Excuse me? I’m not helping out around here? Aren’t you and Locke supposed to be hunting boar? What the hell are you even doing out there? I mean I know you can’t hunt for shit but if he was then you guys would be bringing back something.” Shannon started, sure she’d caught him. And she wouldn’t just let him walk away like the last time.

“It’s not important Shannon.” He replied, starting off again, before she grabbed a hold of his arm.

“Well then why are you going out there every day? And why are you just blowing me off all of a sudden?” She asked, watching him roll his eyes in much the same way she usually did.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” He made it sound like it was all in her head, and she was just blowing this wildly out of proportion. She wasn’t. He was the one acting like he hadn’t spent the past several years catering to her every need at the drop of a hat, and now all of a sudden he acted like he barely knew her.

“Really? Because ever since you started going if with your new playmate into the frickin’ jungle you’ve pretty much forgotten that I exist.”

“See it’s all about you once again.” He shook his head. “Grow up Shan, this world doesn’t revolve around you anymore. And neither do I.”

She opened her mouth to issue another rude comeback but he turned away again before she could even speak, and this time she didn’t follow him. Instead she glared at his retreating back, hurt by the way he was treating her as well as the loss she felt. Loss of her hold on him. Loss of whatever bond they had. “Fine,” she shouted, “go fall off a cliff somewhere. See if I care!”

Later that day, Sayid surprised her with a picnic, and the next time she came back to the beach it was to Jack telling her that there had been an accident. Boone was dead. The fact that her last words to him had been fighting ones would haunt her for weeks to come (and really, that was all that she had left).

fandom: lost, !fic, ship: lost: sawyer/shannon, ship: lost: boone/shannon

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