It Started With a Dream 13a/13

May 23, 2011 23:22

Title: It Started with a Dream
Pairing: Miranda/Andy eventually
Rating: M eventually
Warnings: Domestic abuse/violence
Disclaimer: Nope they aren't mine and I promise to put everything back after i've played with them. I nicked some dialogue from the film it's not mine!
AN: The beginning of the ending. 13b should be up later tonight. I don't plan on waiting another 2 years to finish this I promise!!

A week later and Andy found herself back in Dr Simpson's office trying desperately to explain the last few weeks. Avoiding Nate, Lilly and Doug may not have been sensible but it had worked wonders. All Nate's things were packed up and dumped on the landing outside her apartment. The next day they were gone and she couldn't care less if Nate had taken them or not. Dr Simpson listened quietly as Andy explained the events which took place in Paris. She could make it through the whole story without crying now. She’d spent long enough crying.

“No you don’t understand I am over her. Completely over her. It was ridiculous a stupid office crush.” Andy shifted slightly in her seat.

“So you keep saying Andy so why do you think you are still having these dreams. You appear to be genuinely concerned for her safety.” Dr Simpson looked concerned as Andy continued to chew on her finger... the nail was long gone.

“I am... the dream is just horrible.” Andy looked lost for a moment as the dream came back to her, then she shook her head violently. “This is ridiculous! I can’t see the future and I sure as hell can’t change it even if I wanted to.”

“Do you want to change the future Andy?”

“Well of course I do... if that dream comes true I’ll never forgive myself!” Andy was sitting forward on her chair now still nervously biting her fingertip.

“But you just said you can’t see the future. Look I think whats going on here can be explained very easily. You worked for Miranda, you knew her schedule off by heart and I can guarantee that Miranda was the last person you thought of before going to sleep, first person you thought of when you woke up. Fair assessment?” Andy nodded her agreement, “We discussed the last time that sort of behaviour could lead to Miranda creeping into your subconscious thoughts as well. Now I bet you are still thinking about Miranda just as much now aren’t you?” Andy simply nodded again, “But you don’t have the same insight to her daily routine so your mind is making up scenarios. I think because you are angry about how everything worked out in Paris that’s why your dream is so disturbing...”

Suddenly Andy jumped up from her seat, “I know Miranda upset me but I don’t want Miranda to feel that way! She looks scared and helpless, I would never wish that upon her or anyone!”

“Andy please, all I’m trying to say is that when you are asleep sometimes dreams are just your mind trying to make sense of all the things that are going on in your life and the fact that your stressed, thinking about Miranda and upset about things your mind is making you have these dreams.”

Andy sat back down and felt her eyes start to sting, “I am pretty stressed. I haven't even been able to go to Runway and pick up my things... I don't have enough money to pay my rent, my ex boyfriend and friend have shacked up together. I do think about her a lot, everything just feels too much for me, you know?” Dr Simpson nodded.
That evening Andy sat on the edge of her bed looking at the prescription of sleeping pills she had been given earlier. Tonight she would sleep and tomorrow she would collect her things and face Miranda. Andy sealed the envelope and wrote Miranda’s name on the front. she just hoped that she would take the time to read the explanation and not simply throw it away.

Andy stood outside Elias Clarke swapping the scalding hot skimmed no foam latte from hand to hand to avoid burns. This had to be done over 2 weeks had passed since she arrived back in New York... these dreams had to stop and she wasn’t going to spend the rest of her life on sleeping pills. Head down Andy made her way up to the Runway offices.

As she rounded the corner to Miranda’s office the feeling of deja vu made her feel nauseous.

“Well well if isn’t six come back to haunt us all!” Nigel smiled and a distracted Emily didn’t even bother to look up.

“Box is over there darling, hidden in the kitchen...and no need to hurry seeing as the master of the house has decided not to grace us with her presence today.” Nigel sat down in what used to be Andys seat as she shuffled towards the kitchen. It took a while for the sentence to sink in but when it did Andy came flying back through to her old desk feeling even more sick.

“Miranda’s not here?” Andy asked paniced.

“Bravo Andrea, as if you would be up here if she was. No text, no phonecall she has simply not turned up this morning which is a complete nightmare seeing as she had a meeting with...” Andy cut off Emily now reaching for her new cell phone.

“But you called her right? You called to make sure she was ok?” Andy had already began to dial the number she knew off by heart.

“I have no idea why I should have to inform you of my actions but for your information I did call Miranda and it went”

“Damn it straight to voicemail” Andy thumped her hand down on the desk causing emily and Nigel to jump.

“that’s what i was going to say... Andrea what on earth is wrong with you? You look white as a sheet.” Emily had finally stopped typing and turned to face Andy as she lent shakily against the desk.

“10:15... whats the time now?” Andy began to pace the small space in the office as Nigel looked on astonished at her strange behaviour.
“9:45, whats the big deal she’s probably busy or she’s ill and too proud to let us hear her sniffeling down the phone. It’s happened before you know since you got on your high horse and abandoned us all in Paris.”

“I did not leave Nigel I was fired... fired because of some stupid idea Miranda got in her head about me. what do you mean this has happened before?”

Andy had no time to notice the smug look on Emily's face as she had rounded on Nigel to get a reply.

“Just what I said, it happened... once the week we got back and twice last week. Some days she just turns up late sometimes we don’t see her at all. The only person that knows anything is Roy.”

Andy realised now the nausea was not caused by being back, it was because she had seen this seen and others just like it over and over again for the past two weeks. Everything felt distant as she dialed Miranda's land-line praying that she would answer first time. Andy sighed as she got the family answer machine and pressed redial.

“Emily phone Roy, I’m going to Mirandas.” Andy pressed redial for a second time as Emily scoffed and opend her mouth to reply.

“Emily, if you care about Miranda you will. call. Roy. now... is that clear? I have to get there before 10:15” Andy knew she must look like a woman possessed but slumped in relief as Emily picked up the phone.

“Roy will be out in front in 5 minutes... Andrea what is going on?” Andy held her hand up to silence Emily as, just as Andy predicted, Miranda answered the phone on the fourth attempt. Andy could hear Miranda’s voice tremble slightly as she spoke.

Taking a breath Andy prepared herself to say the words she had said so many times in her dreams.

“Miranda don’t hang up... it’s me. I know you cant talk but... look, if you want me to call the police just tell me to cancel your dinner.” Andy closed her eyes and almost dropped the phone at mirandas shaky reply.

“Ok, I’m on my way Miranda. please try to act normal tell him Emily was panicking about Donnatella, the police will be there soon.” Andy had already started to walk out the office with Emily and Nigel hot on her tail both demanding an explanation.

“Stephen is there I have to go help her. Please you two, just wait here she won’t want this getting out.” Andy didn’t even turn around as she entered the elevator and dialled 911.

fanfiction, dwp

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