There's a report from the Department of Homeland Security, called
Rightwing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment I'd read articles on
Ace of Spades and
Hot Air on the subject, but I figured I should take a look at the report for myself
Read more... )
Comments 33
Someone on one of the 'nutjob' LJ groups has the PERFECT icon to respond to this post - "I'd rather be a 'nutjob' conservative than a liberal with no nuts and no job."
So, dear, I'm happy to know and associate with you. If that gets me on a 'list' then so be it.
We'll have fun on the list together *g*
Now that I'm considered a Rightwing Extremist and I'm attending a TEA Party tomorrow, I've put my hubby on standby to come bail me out of jail. Oh, and I'm taking my son with me -- he'll be wearing a "Generational Theft Act of 2009" t-shirt. Guess I'm forming his "xenophobia and antidemocratic ideals" at an early age. Go me.
My hubby will be right there with me. As will his mother. Of course, I'm more likely to be deported than bailed ;)
I doubt you'll be deported if there's going to be immigration amnesty. Just sayin'. ;)
I SO want to go to one. The boss couldn't be convinced to close early though and there are only 4 of us in the office... and 3 of us would want to go....
Very well said, every word. Good job.
I'll be at a Tea Party here in Ann Arbor tomorrow with my kids, carrying a sign. A few friends are going with me and bringing their kids as well. Should be a party. ;)
And we are in Liberaltown, USA - meeting downtown, right smack dab in the middle of Univ. of Michigan's campus. I'm expecting at least a few obnoxious hecklers.
And people thought the Bush administration was infringing on liberties and rights. This PALES in comparison.
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