Porn therapy

Oct 06, 2006 04:59

Title: Give Me Something, Part 2
Rating: NC-17. Is porn and nothing but the porn.
Pairing: F/K
NOTES: Another bad mood (this one cross rather than rotten) fairly successfully treated with porn. Sequel to Give Me Something. 2000 words. No beta, because I'm still a little cross and I chose the irresponsible immediate gratification of posting rather than the hard work of making it a better story. Feel free to point out my typos, snicker over the word "rectify," etc.

"Might take a long time 'til we're square. You really let me down here."

"Then I'll just have to keep trying to make us square until you're satisfied." Fraser was smiling at Ray, looking ridiculously handsome and sweet, with come still smeared under his lip.

Ray grinned back and stretched, rubbing his leg against Fraser's. "I'll let you know if that ever happens."

Ray woke in the morning feeling good. That was weird. Sure, he needed coffee and a piss and sunshine was not his friend, but he felt... happy. He burrowed deeper in the covers, enjoying the unusual feeling. His elbow hit something warm and solid. Now that was weird. Oh, yeah. He propped himself up to investigate.

Fraser was sleeping on his stomach, his head on his crossed arms. His mouth was open just a little and there was drool. Not much, but enough to make Ray smirk at the image of Perfect Mountie at rest.

Getting up quietly, trying not to wake Fraser, Ray headed for the bathroom. He pissed, showered, considered his raggedy self in the mirror and decided to shave. Sure, it was Saturday, but if things went his way he'd be in a position to be giving Fraser serious stubble burn and nobody wanted that.

Finishing up, he checked back in on Fraser. No change. Oh, this was good. Drooling and sleeping past nine o'clock. Ray grabbed yesterday's clothes and slipped out to the living room.

Ray was heading for the coffee maker when he noticed Dief scowling at him from his spot by the front door.

"Oh, shit, Dief. Sorry," he whispered. "Just a minute." Quickly dressing in the dirty clothes, he grabbed his wallet and keys and let them both out as quietly as he could.

Dief was pretty forgiving once he'd had his morning doughnut, and Ray was feeling even better as he sipped his coffee on the way back to the apartment.

Pausing outside the door, he looked at Dief. "Okay, guy, here's the deal. Hopefully me and Frase are going to stay in for most of the day. It'll be boring for you, but if you just nap and ignore us, I'll make it worth your while. Pizza, doughnuts, and a good chance Frase won't be up for one of his monster weekend runs. We got a deal?"

Dief didn't say anything, but Ray was pretty sure he was with the program.

Ray'd been hoping he'd catch Fraser still in bed, but the bed was empty and the shower was running. He grinned, and stripped in the living room. Stepping into the steamy bathroom, he heard Fraser humming in the shower. Damn, everybody was having a good morning around here.

"Hey, buddy."

Fraser let out a yelp and spun around, nearly toppling over. His hair was all soapy, and wet white streams of it were running over his face.

"Ray!" Fraser ducked his head under the shower spray, and then re-emerged swinging. "That was highly irresponsible. You must be aware that over eighty percent of home accidents occur in the bathroom."

Okay, so swinging pretty feebly. Ray smirked at him. "You gotta be nice to me, Fraser. I've got the goods on you."

Stepping into the shower, he continued, "I, Ray, did personally witness Benton Fraser drooling in his sleep in a most un-Mountie-like manner, sleeping in well past sunrise, humming something besides the Canadian anthem, and," here he paused, suddenly a little shy, "you owe me."

"Do I, Ray?"

"Oh, no. You don't get to play innocent with me." Ray poked Fraser in the middle of his chest with a finger. "You owe me, and you know it."

Fraser nodded solemnly, reached up to adjust the shower nozzle so it could reach Ray at the far end of the tub, then moved closer. "Well. It certainly would be unbecoming of me not to settle any outstanding debts."

Suddenly breathless, Ray said, "Can't have that. No unbecoming Mounties in my shower."

"What do you think would be the best manner for me to address this debt, Ray?"

Ray's cock, already half-full, made a sudden leap towards hard enough to pound boards. "Fraser, this is the most dangerous room in the house. Are you going to endanger my life in a wildly improbable way?"

"I think you're up to the challenge. As always." With that, Fraser lowered himself to his knees in front of Ray, water pouring all over him.

"Oh, shit." Ray stared, trying to figure which was the hottest thing he'd ever seen; the water on Fraser's skin, Fraser's fingers on Ray's hips, or Fraser's expression as he contemplated Ray's hard-on just inches from his face. When Fraser looked up and ran his tongue over his lower lip, the contest was over.

"Fraser, please."

"I do appreciate the courtesy, Ray," Fraser said dryly, then bent forward and ran his tongue up the side of Ray's cock.

Ray felt dizzy, and sunk his fingers in Fraser's wet hair to steady himself. Fraser apparently took this as less courteous encouragement, but kindly didn't take offense. Instead, he opened his mouth and sucked Ray's cock in, working his tongue around the sensitive head.

"Holy fuck." Ray let his head fall back against the cold, hard tile, overwhelmed by the sensation.

Fraser hummed something. Ray thought, hysterically, that it may have been "Language, Ray," and then he stopped thinking for a while.

Fraser's mouth was even better than he remembered from last night, better than he'd fantasized it might be. Hot and wet and big and talented. Fraser bobbed his head on Ray's cock, taking him deep and hollowing his cheeks on the way back up. The water running over Fraser's head and onto Ray's skin felt incredible, looked incredible. Fraser's fingers on Ray's hips felt like the only thing holding him together.

Ray moaned something, even he didn't know what, and tightened his fingers in Fraser's hair, thrusting slightly. Fraser moved up to suck and tease Ray's cockhead some more and Ray moaned again, protesting, wanting back in.

Suddenly, Fraser's mouth was gone and his slick, wet hair had slipped out of Ray's fingers.

The loss stunned Ray, and by the time he'd gotten his eyes open and focused, Fraser was out of the shower, drying vigorously.

"Come on, Ray. The day's half over already." With that Fraser was gone, leaving the door open, letting in cold air.

No. No and no and no and no.

Ray erupted out of the shower, erection bobbling between his legs. "You goddamn cockteasing Canadian! You get back here and suck me!"

He didn't bother with a towel, just bolted sopping wet into the bedroom, the "Fair's fair, Fraser" dying on his lips when he saw Fraser face down and legs spread on the bed, already snapping open the lube and drizzling it on his fingers.

"Ray!" Even Fraser couldn't quite keep a straight face. "I thought we were evening the score? I don't see why you should be so upset."

"Jesus, Fraser. Don't do that."

"Don't do this, Ray?" Fraser tried to glance back over his shoulder, indicating the slick finger now tracing his hole.

Climbing onto the bed, Ray snatched the lube away. Grabbing a condom off the bedside table, he unrolled it onto his heavy cock, then smeared lube over it, shuddering. When he glanced back Fraser had one finger inside himself. Ray reached out and traced it with his own. Gently, slowly, he pushed his forefinger in alongside Fraser's, slowly twisting.

Fraser moaned, a sound that brought Ray vicious satisfaction, then withdrew his finger and propped himself up on his bent forearms. Ray moved in with two fingers, then, briefly, three.

"You ready?" He didn't know how he was still forming words, he was so turned on and nerve-jangled.

"Yes, I'm ready."

Fraser spread his legs further apart, and Ray settled in between them, holding his cock at Fraser's hole, then pushing in. He tried to go slow, definitely went slower than he wanted to, but soon he was all the way in, gasping at the tight, hot clench of Fraser's body. He paused, counted his breaths, tried to resist the urge to pound Fraser through the mattress.

When Fraser shifted and pushed back against him, Ray let his control slip a little. He pulled out and thrust, sank over and over again into the perfection of Fraser's ass.

Somehow, he found the discipline to urge Fraser onto his knees, to angle his thrusts until Fraser was clenching around him and gasping raggedly. He slipped a hand around Fraser's side and grasped his cock, working it with hard, short strokes.

Fraser dropped his head and thrust back against Ray, tightening his muscles around Ray's cock and moaning. Ray lost it completely, dropping his forehead onto Fraser's damp back and thrusting furiously until he came with a spine-melting burst of pure, fiery joy.

He stayed there, panting against Fraser's skin, until reason slowly returned. With reason came suspicion, and certainty soon followed. "You did that on purpose!"

"We were rectifying imbalances, Ray." Fraser's voice was tight and raw, but there was smugness in there, too.

"Dirty, scheming Mountie." Ray pulled out and slumped bonelessly on the bed, removing the condom and dropping it into the wastebasket.

Fraser rolled onto his side, one hand propping up his head, his cock hard against his leg.

Ray glanced at it, then back up at Fraser's flushed face, smirking. "Need a hand there, buddy? Should think about the consequences before you 'rectify imbalances.'"

"I consider the imbalances not quite rectified. I certainly attended to your... needs in a similar situation."

"In the similar situation, I didn't piss you off."

"That's immaterial, Ray." Fraser's voice was getting pretty testy, there.

Ray stretched, yawned. "I'm not sure, Frase. What'd you have in mind?"

"Ray! Please stop teasing me. I need..."

Moving quickly, Ray pushed Fraser onto his back, straddling him and holding down his hands. "You're a fine one to talk about teasing."

Fraser thrust up, looking for friction.

"Please, Ray."

"Not until you do something for me."

Fraser just gave him a wary glare.

Ray grinned, shifted his ass on Fraser's cock, making him inhale sharply and thrust again. "I want you to say 'I'm a dirty, scheming Mountie.'"

"Don't be ridiculous."

"If you say it, I'll get you off. If you don't, I'm going out for coffee. Them's the rules. Take it or leave it."

Sighing deeply, Fraser closed his eyes. "I'm a dirty, scheming Mountie."

Ray raised up onto his knees and pressed a quick kiss on Fraser's lips. "Now, was that so hard?"

Before Fraser could snap at him, Ray reached down and stroked him from root to tip, then began working him in his own favorite need-to-get-off-right-now rhythm. He looked into Fraser's sex-dark eyes and spoke softly, "I like you dirty, Fraser. I like you clean. I like you fucking me, filling me up. I like you sucking me. I want to fuck you and suck you and I want to kiss you. I want to kiss you all day, every day. I want you to come in my hand right now so I can see how fucking beautiful you are."

Fraser closed his eyes again and threw his head back. With a long, shuddering moan, he came, wet heat hitting Ray's hand and Fraser's chest.

Ray lowered his mouth to Fraser's, and Fraser's hand came up to hold the back of his head. Ray kissed his upper lip and sucked on his bottom lip, Fraser still taking great gasping breaths.

Breaking the kiss, Ray lay down with his head on Fraser's shoulder.

Eventually, Fraser turned and pressed a kiss into Ray's forehead. "We need another shower."

"We need to turn off the shower. And make coffee."

"And food."

"There's doughnuts, if Dief left us any."

"I mean real food, Ray. We're going to need our strength if I'm ever to get you to admit that you're an insatiable, vindictive cop with a perverse Mountie-torture habit."

Ray grinned. "Don't I know it."

fic, fic: ds

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