
Sep 20, 2008 12:25

Dilan usually isn't the last one in the labs, but Xenahort managed to blow something in his workstation and he's got the choice of staying late to fix it, or having to come in again in the morning instead ( Read more... )


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cloakitwithplot September 21 2008, 11:44:31 UTC
There is the click and hum of the lights in another part of the lab coming on, and Ienzo actually gets halfway to his own workstation before he realizes the place is far too well-lit for the amount of lights that HE'S turned on. And that he's not the only on in the room.

He makes his way over to Dilan curiously, bags under his eyes as dark as ever (sleep since the last time he left the lab? That's for the weak!) and he's got a bag of bagels and a few mini containers of spreadable toppings for them in one hand.

... He holds out the bag helpfully to Dilan.


cloakitwithplot September 22 2008, 02:08:05 UTC
Someone else might have protested that Dilan was doing too much work - that if he was sick he should rest.

But Ienzo was at least as micromanaging as Dilan, if not more, so the request made perfect sense to him. "I still have the code, I'll work that in."


sliceitwithwind September 22 2008, 02:15:40 UTC
Someone else might also point out that the two weeks a year when Dilan is sick he can't get out of bed without help, and is often so out of it that Braig can't get to work either because he's in the death-grip of a sick man twice his size.

"Good." Once his supper is finished Dilan cleans up the mess and heads over to wash his hands until he's certain all the grease is off them. "What did you come back here for anyway?"


cloakitwithplot September 22 2008, 03:08:40 UTC
"There were some simulations I wanted to run. I set my code to compile before I left earlier, but it should have finished by now. I figured I'd get an early start on it, that way I won't have to go through all of it in the morning and I can just work on my own projects while the simulations are running on their own." Ienzo explains, doing a similar meticulous clean-up.

HE does not have a warm bed and a warm body waiting for him 'back home', so there's no reason not to do it now.


sliceitwithwind September 22 2008, 03:11:36 UTC
"And what do you want me to tell your mother after you die of exhaustion? Because I'm leaning toward for a genius, he was a moron." Dilan says as he heads back into the computer.


cloakitwithplot September 22 2008, 04:30:44 UTC
Ienzo blushes slightly at the comment, making his way over to his own work station to hide behind the computer screen and piles of work. "Considering all I have waiting for me 'back home' is a cold bed, thin walls and a neighbor who seems biologically incapable of keeping it in his pants, it should hardly seem a surprise that the labs are preferable."


sliceitwithwind September 22 2008, 04:37:59 UTC
"You know, you should really talk to Al about moving in with him." Dilan says, waiving a screwdriver blindly in what he assumes is Ienzo's direction, "He'll keep you fed and his couch is to die for."

Dilan has fallen asleep on it more than once himself. "And I wouldn't have to explain to your mother. I keep being afraid she's going to grab me by the ears and demand to know what I'm doing to my body."

He's not sure why Ienzo's mother terrifies him. She's not a scary person. She just - does.


cloakitwithplot September 22 2008, 04:54:22 UTC
Ienzo colored even brighter at the suggestion.

"Mother wouldn't do that. And -- I'm already imposing on his hospitality enough. The last thing he needs is a teenager hanging around all the time getting in the way." seriously, when was the last time Aeleus had a date?

...The idea made Ienzo strangely... almost ill at the thought, but he attributed that to poor nutrition on his part. Ienzo would not be responsible for his friend not finding companionship because Ienzo simply couldn't take care of himself like any other adult.


sliceitwithwind September 22 2008, 05:00:17 UTC
Dilan throws a spool of electrical tape at Ienzo's workstation at the words, "Your mother would totally do that to me. Just talk to him, dude. He likes having company over, and I'm too selfishly wrapped up in my life to go over as often as would be good for him."


cloakitwithplot September 22 2008, 05:34:04 UTC
"Ow- hey!" Ienzo rubbed the side of his head where the electrical tape had quite neatly beaned him.

"...Fine, I might talk to him after I have looked over my finances that I'm getting through the scholarships to see how much I can offer for rent." He stated with certainty. "I'm not a child and I refuse to simply be taken care of like one without contributing something in return to a household."


sliceitwithwind September 22 2008, 05:40:26 UTC
"I never said you should." Dilan agrees, going back to what he was doing calmly enough, "Hell, if you chip in on rent he might even manage to get that kitchen redo he's been wanting."


cloakitwithplot September 22 2008, 08:07:04 UTC
Convincing Ienzo that it would help was definitely tempting, though he still had some misgivings about the whole idea. He'd have to check his finances, he decided, and make no decisions until he did so. Even 'asking Aeleus'.

"Still don't see why you don't try to find him a girlfriend..." Ienzo muttered as he worked, code flowing smoothly from his fingers as he typed even through his embarrassment.

He didn't put a hinge in there to call Xenahort an idiot if he tried going to non-work sites. They would simply be blocked.

However, he did access the network and find all game sites that were accessed in the last 48 hours (ha! He'd even tried to clear the history and empty the cache - as if that did anything.) and put in a little... special catch.

If any of those sites were accessed without the passcode being inputted, it would call up a veritable pornado of cached XXX Site ads. Ienzo had them organized by type - Leather daddy, Girl-on-Girl exploitation, interspecies, she-male, and some freaky animated shit that broke all laws of ( ... )


sliceitwithwind September 22 2008, 08:32:04 UTC
Dilan snorts, "Because Al is perfectly aware of what he wants, has enough experience to back it up, and is content waiting for the time being." is his response, "Also he might stop feeding me if I got involved."

Dilan can cook. Very well.

Aeleus cooks better.

There is another stream of angry cursing before he finally comes out from under the computer and starts putting it back together, "How's the code coming?"


cloakitwithplot September 22 2008, 08:46:13 UTC
"Still, seems like he should be married by now. Then again he probably has bad taste, I can see him getting saddled with some high-strung harpy because he's too nice to-" Ienzo's muttering rant was broken by Xaldin's question and his head shot up, face deepening a shade redder than it was before.

"Oh! Uh, almost done, got everything you asked for."


sliceitwithwind September 22 2008, 08:50:04 UTC
Dilan peeks out from his computer again and points out, "He's younger than I am, dude."

Although he has to admit that some days? High-strung harpy about covered the description of the person that Aeleus was interested in.


cloakitwithplot September 22 2008, 09:14:28 UTC
The worst part is, had Dilan said that last part aloud, Ienzo's first instinct would be to demand 'that bitch's name'.


"Your situation is different." Ienzo argued as he typed, not looking over at the screen. "And what's more, you have settled in to not 'settling in'. Aeleus... I don't know. He seems like the kind to get married. Or at least be in a long-term monogamous relationship. Maybe even have a kid, or at least own a pet." Yes, he's been thinking about this. No, best not to ask unless you want him to start hyperventilating.


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